{!! getCompanyLogo(true) !!}

{!! config('config.company_name') !!}

SOP - Incident Reporting


SOP - Incident Reporting

Site: {!! $site->name !!}

Designation | Name | NRIC/FIN No. {!! $task->UserAdded->Profile->designation->name.' | '.$task->UserAdded->full_name.' | '.$task->UserAdded->Profile->unique_identification_number !!}
Location of Incident {{ $custom_fields['incident-location'] }} Date & Time of Incident {!! showDate($task->start_date).' '.showTime($task->start_date) !!}
Nature of Incident {{ $task->taskCategory->name }} Weather Conditions {{ $custom_fields['weather-condition'] }}
Priority of Incident {{ $custom_fields['priority-of-incident'] }} Severity {{ $task->taskPriority->name }}
Person(s) Involved:
Gender Name Passport / NRIC No. Address Contact No.
{{ $custom_fields['p1-gender'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p1-name'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p1-nric'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p1-address'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p1-contact'] }}
{{ $custom_fields['p2-gender'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p2-name'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p2-nric'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p2-address'] }} {{ $custom_fields['p2-contact'] }}
Relevant Authority Activated for Assistance:
Authorities {{ $custom_fields['relevant-authority-activated-for-assistance'] }}
Remarks {{ $custom_fields['relevant-authority-contact-person'] }}
Incident Reported To:
Reported To Name of Person Reported Date/Time
M.A. Office : {{ $custom_fields['ma-office'] }} {{ $custom_fields['ma-person'] }} {{ showDate($custom_fields['ma-datetime']).' '.showTime($custom_fields['ma-datetime']) }}
WestMinster Security HQ : {{ $custom_fields['wm-office'] }} {{ $custom_fields['wm-person'] }} {{ showDate($custom_fields['wm-datetime']).' '.showTime($custom_fields['wm-datetime']) }}
Police / SCDF : {{ $custom_fields['scdf-office'] }} {{ $custom_fields['scdf-person'] }} {{ showDate($custom_fields['scdf-datetime']).' '.showTime($custom_fields['scdf-datetime']) }}
Description of Incident:
@if(empty($custom_fields['incident-description'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['incident-description'] !!}
Followed Up Actions:
@if(empty($custom_fields['actions-taken'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['actions-taken'] !!}
Update Occurrence Book, Submitted Incident Report to M.A
@if(empty($custom_fields['remarks'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['remarks'] !!}
@if(!empty($custom_fields['security-implication-'])) @if(!empty($custom_fields['implication-details'])) @endif
Is There Any Security Implication Due To The Incident? Yes No
{!! $custom_fields['implication-details'] !!}
Closure of Incident:
Date of Follow Up Actions {{ showDate($custom_fields['follow-up-date']).' '.showTime($custom_fields['follow-up-date']) }}
Description of Follow-up / Contact Person {{ $custom_fields['follow-up-description'] }}
Further Instruction By OE / OM / Client {{ $custom_fields['follow-up-instruction'] }}
Estimated Amount of Damages, If Any {{ $custom_fields['follow-up-damage'] }}
Submitted by
Name : {!! $task->UserAdded->full_name !!}
Designation : {!! $task->UserAdded->Profile->designation->name !!}
Date : {!! showDate($task->start_date) !!}
Acknowledged by
Name : {!! $reviewer !!}
Designation : {!! $reviewer_designation !!}
Date : {!! showDate($task->complete_date) !!}

@if(count($uploads) >= 1)
@endif @foreach($uploads as $upload)
