Incident Report

Site: {!! $site->name !!}
Site Address: {!! $site->address_line_1 !!}
Details of Report and Findings
What Happened: {!! $task->title !!}
When Did It Happen: {!! showDate($task->start_date) !!} {!! showTime($task->start_date) !!}
Where Did It Happen: {{ $custom_fields['incident-location'] }}
Who Was Involved: {{ $custom_fields['person-involve'] }}
How Did It Happen ?
@if(empty($custom_fields['incident-description'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['how-did-it-happen-'] !!}
Why Did It Happen ?
@if(empty($custom_fields['incident-description'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['why-did-it-happen-'] !!}
Immediate Action Taken:
@if(empty($custom_fields['actions-taken'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['actions-taken'] !!}
@if(empty($custom_fields['remarks'])) @else @endif
{!! $custom_fields['remarks'] !!}

Is There Any Security Implication Due To The Incident ?

{!! $custom_fields['security-implication-'] == "Yes" ? "
" : "" !!}
{!! $custom_fields['security-implication-'] == "No" ? "
" : "" !!}
Submitted by
Name : {!! $task->UserAdded->full_name !!}
Date : {!! showDate($task->start_date) !!}
Time : {!! showTime($task->start_date) !!}
Verified by
Name : {!! $reviewer !!}
Date : {!! showDate($task->complete_date) !!}
Time : {!! showTime($task->complete_date) !!}

@if(count($uploads) >= 1)
@endif @foreach($uploads as $upload)
