We are pleased to offer you employment with Rightmen Security Services Pte Ltd (“the Company”) subject to the following terms and conditions: -
1. Job Title, Main Duties and Responsibilities
We are pleased to offer you employment as {!!$hired_as!!} with the company with effect from {{ ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date }}.
You shall faithfully and diligently serve the company and the client to whom you are assigned to. You will also conform to the standing orders of the company and the Standard Operational Procedures of the client.
2. Place of Employment & Hours of work
Your usual place of employment shall be {{$location->name ?? '[EMPTY]'}}. Site working hours is from {{showTime($start_time).' to '.showTime($end_time)}}. However, the company has the right to post you to any other place for duty as deemed fit at its full discretion.
You will earn overtime pay if you work more than 8 hours a day, or 44 hours a week. It will be paid 1.5 times of the hourly basic pay.
Your working days will be based on alternate 5/6 days a week. A total 6 rest days a month will be given. Your Operation Executive will determine the rest day, which can be on a Sunday or any other day. He will prepare a monthly roster and inform you of the rest days before the start of each month.
3. Monthly Salary
Under the Progressive Wage Model (PWM), we are glad to inform you that your salary is now paid in accordance with “Employment Grade – {!! $hired_as !!}”. Kindly note that your salary will be adjusted should there be a change in your “Employment Grade” while conforming to the PWM guidelines.
Amount SGD ($)
Basic Salary
{!! $salary[0] !!} per month
Overtime Payment, if performed
{!! $salary[1] !!} per hour
{!! $salary[5] !!} per month
Perfect Attendance*
{!! $salary[2] !!} per month
Work on Public Holiday/Rest Day**
{!! $salary[3] !!} per day worked
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
Perfect Attendance*
Employee shall not take more than 6 rest days a month; and
Employee shall not take any no pay leave (NPL) and shall not be absent from work without prior approval from their respective Operation Executive; and
Employee must not be late for more than 3 times a month (≥ 15 minutes) or more than 30 minutes a day within a month; and
Employee shall not leave the site early without prior approval from the management.
4. Work on Public Holiday**
If you work on public holiday in accordance with the Employment Act, you may be entitled to an allowance as stated above.
This only applies if you are present on both:
The working day before the said holiday; and
The working day after the said holiday.
We note that such requests will be subject to approval by the Management and Rightmen reserves all our rights and interests and shall possess full discretion of such considerations.
5. Work on Rest Day**
You may apply to work on your designated rest days with the company, you will be entitled to an allowance as stated above. The company reserves all its rights and full discretion in its decision of your application.
We note that such requests will be subject to approval by the Management and Rightmen reserves all our rights and interests and shall possess full discretion of such considerations.
6. Salary Deduction
Kindly note that mandatory CPF contributions and statutory donations to ECF/SINDA/CDAC/MBMF funds will be deducted from your monthly salary.
The company will be required to deduct your salary if ordered by the Court or other valid authority (eg income tax, property tax etc)
7. Salary Advances & Pay Day
Kindly note that the company reserves all our rights and interests and shall possess full discretion to stop any salary advances due to whatsoever reasons. The total advances paid shall be deducted from your monthly salary.
Your monthly salary will be calculated from the 1st day to the last day of the month. Your salary will be paid on the 7th of every month through POSB/DBS/UOB. If payday falls on a Sunday or Public Holiday, then you will be paid on the next working day.
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
8. Annual Leave
On Completion of three months of continuous service with the company, you shall be entitled to 7 days of annual leave or prorated annual leave for an incomplete year of service. Thereafter, you will be eligible for an extra day of annual leave for every subsequent year of continuous service up to a maximum 14 days.
Years of Service
Annual Leave Entitlement Per Service Year
1st year
7 working days
2nd year
8 working days
3rd year
9 working days
4th year
10 working days
5th year
11 working days
6th year
12 working days
7th year
13 working days
8th and thereafter
14 working days
The company will not approve any annual leave application during your notice period. However, you can use your annual leave to offset the notice period to bring forward your last day of employment. The annual leave used to offset the notice will not be paid.
9. Sick Leave
On completion of 3 months of continuous service with the company, you will be entitled to 14 days paid sick leave per year of service of up to 60 days if hospitalization is required.
You must inform us of your sick leave within 48 hours or else you will be deemed to be absent from duty. You should submit your medical certificate (MC) when you return to work. Medical certificate (MC) must be from Company Approved Clinics or Singapore Government Doctor.
You are not entitled to paid sick leave when you are on annual leave, off day, rest day, no pay leave or when you are receiving incapacity benefits under the Workmen’s Compensation Act. Between 3 and 6 months of service, your entitlement is pro-rated as follows:
No. of months of service completed
Paid outpatient non-hospitalisation leave (days)
Paid hospitalisation leave (days)
6 and thereafter
{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}
10. Maternity/Paternity & Child Care Leave
You are entitled to the above according to the Singapore Labour Law.
11. Insurance
You will be covered under the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) if you were injured in a work accident or suffered a disease due to work. Claims will be submitted and subjected to approval from Ministry of Manpower.
12. Medical/Dental Benefits
Upon completion of 3 months of continuous service with the company, you will be issued with a Medical Card. It will allow you to visit MHC Medical Network or Mednefits Outpatient Clinics located island wide.
GP (Panel) – Doctor consultation fee will be paid by the company. You are only required to make payment for any medicine or any medical services received.
Dental (Panel) – Dental benefits will be given to the employees after completion of one year service with the company. The annual limit of $100/- for any dental services received under the MHC Medical Network outpatient clinics located island wide. This benefit will only be claimable with the MHC Medical Card issued.
13. Probation Period
You will be assessed based on your work performance for a period of 3 months. Upon satisfactory performance during this period, you will then be confirmed as a full-time staff and will enjoy the benefits as stipulated in the enclosed “Employee Handbook”
The Company reserved the right to extend your probation period for a further 3 months and you will be informed in writing. After these 3 months, if you are not terminated, you will be deemed to be confirmed.
14. Termination of Service with Notice
Either party can terminate this employment contract with written notice or by paying salary in lieu of notice for the relevant period as stated below.
Period of Employment
Less than 1 month
1 month & above
Period required for notice to terminate
2 weeks
1 month
15. Termination of Service Without Notice
The company may terminate your service without prior notice if you violate any of the following:
Absent from work continuously for more than 2 working days without approval or a reasonable excuse for said absence; or
Absent from working continuously for more than 2 working days without informing or attempting to inform your superior of the reason.
Either party may terminate employment without notice when the terms of employment have been breached. **The party that breached the terms of employment must pay compensation in lieu of notice.
{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}
16. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure
You will not, at anytime, during the period of this agreement, directly or indirectly, without any prior written consent of the Company, engage or interest yourself, whether for reward or gratuity in any work or business other than in respect of your duties.
You will not disclose, divulge or discuss at anytime during the period of your employment or thereafter, any secrets, transactions or information related to our company or our clients to which you might have had access during the period of your employment.
17. Others
For other terms and conditions of employment not mentioned in this employment contract, the relevant provisions of the Employment Act will apply.
I, the undersigned hereby confirm acceptance of the following terms and conditions:-
Code of Conduct
I shall follow the company’s code of conduct, including to be punctual for work and display good customer service.
Absence from work
I shall inform my Operation Executive or Operation Manager as early as possible if I cannot turn up to work and I shall provide proof of the reason for the absence.
Abandonment of post
I shall not leave the post or my duty at any point in time during my shift of work. I understand that disciplinary actions will be taken against me should I chose to leave the post without prior approval from Operation Executive or Operation Manager.
I further give consent to the company for my personal data to be used for work purposes like presenting my resumes to Clients, submit particulars to PLRD or release information to government departments when requested.
Agnes Lim
Rightmen Security Services Pte Ltd
I have read and understood the terms & conditions of the offer and hereby accept the appointment.
{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}
{{---------------------------------------------------------------- CODE OF CONDUCT -------------------------------------------------------------------}}
Security personnel’s are to conduct themselves in a courteous and exemplary manner that reflects the professionalism and good sense of professional Security Officer. This behaviour is warranted at all times, whilst on the premises be it whilst on duty or otherwise.
Officers MUST NOT:
*Be in possession of alcohol or unprocurable drugs, use or be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics whilst on duty or prior to reporting for duty.
*Sleep or gamble whilst on duty.
*Indulge in unnecessary conversation with fellow officers or employees (unnecessary gossiping/instigating) , including contractors, vendors and visitors. Not to discuss, show or reveal any protected
information, record, document or technical data in connection with his/ her work regardless of its confidentiality to any unauthorised person.
*Solicit funds or make personal sales whilst on company's premises.
*Be involved in disorderly conduct, possess, distribute, post or reproduce obscene or lewd materials or literature of any kind.
*Refuse to obey instructions of senior officer (if any), or higher level of Security Department Management.
*Be involved in unauthorised use of the company's property, including company's telephones, computers and vehicles for personal usage.
*Act in an immoral or indecent manner.
*Read unauthorised literature whilst on duty, including paperbacks, novels, magazines, etc.
*Accept any gifts, presents or money however small in amount, so as to maintain an objective working relationship. Be courteous and humane, firm and tactful in all his dealings.
*Use abusive or profane language to employees or others, including fellow colleagues, or otherwise act in a manner unbecoming of a security officer.
*Bring or allow unauthorised visitors on site.
*Tamper with the Safety or Security System.
*Smoking while on duty at prohibited place inside the building premises.
*Use the telephone for idle conversation, read newspaper, or listen to loud music while on duty.
* All security officers without prejudice or exception as listed above must comply with the dos and don'ts. Violators to the above security codes of conduct shall be severely dealt with in a manner deemed fit by the company. This will include disciplinary action up to and including termination, and submission of repeated violators to SIRD for further disciplinary actions.