@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
@else @endif

{!! $date_recruited !!}

{!! $applicant !!} (NRIC No: {!! $nric !!})

Dear Sir / Madam,

Employment Contract

We are pleased to offer you employment as a {!!$hired_as!!} with our company with effect from {{showDate($work_start_date)}}. Your terms of employment are as follows:-

1. Place of Employment & Hours of work

Your normal place of employment shall be at {{$location->name ?? '[EMPTY]'}}. However, the company has the right to post you to any other place for duty at its discretion.

Your working hours are 8 hours per day or 44 hours per week. Overtime shall be paid for hours worked beyond 44 hours per week at 1.5 times your basic salary.

2. Salary

Item Amount SGD($)
Basic Salary {!! $salary[0] !!} per month
Overtime Rate {!! $salary[1] !!} per month
Full Attendance Incentives {!! $salary[2] !!} per month
Performance Incentives {!! $salary[3] !!} per month
Others Incentives {!! $salary[5] !!} per month
Total: {!! $salary_total !!} per month

Your gross salary shall be basic salary plus overtime payment plus any other additional allowances which are stated in the table above.

Your monthly gross salary may vary according to the total hours of overtime worked in that month. You will be paid on the 7th and 21st of every month through POSB / DBS.

Deduction - your salary shall be deducted in the month when you start work after the first day of the month or leave employment before last day of the month or when you take unpaid leave.

3. Probation

Your probation is three months from date of commencement. You are deemed to be confirmed after three months if the company does not inform you otherwise and your pay is also the confirmation pay. We will not be issuing confirmation letter.

@if($isView) {{--
@else {{--
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
--}} @endif

4. Acting Allowance for higher rank

If you are qualified at a higher PWM (Progressive Wage Model) rank (e.g. SSO or SS or SSS) & you are required to cover the duties at the higher rank for that day, then you will be paid an allowance that is calculated based on the difference between your salary & the rank that you are covering as follows or at the prevailing market rates of the difference between the ranks; whichever is higher.

@if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")
  1. SO to SSO ($300/26 days = $11.50 per day)
  2. SO to SS ($600/26days = $23.10 per day)
  3. SO to SSS ($900/26days = $34.60 per day)
@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")
  1. SSO to SS ($300/26 days = $11.50 per day)
  2. SSO to SSS ($600/26days = $23.10 per day)
@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")
  1. SS to SSS ($300/26 days = $11.50 per day)

5. Public Holidays (PH)

You are entitled to gazetted Public Holidays (PH). If you work on PH, you will be paid one more day of your basic pay or you may claim another day off. However, you will not be entitled to PH if you were to absent yourself the day before or the day after PH without the company’s consent. If PH falls on your off day, the next working day shall be a paid holiday or the company may compensate you with extra day’s pay.

6. Performance Incentive

You will be paid performance incentive in January every year provided you are with the company for at least 6 months. Incentive payment is determined by your performance including punctuality and attendance. If your service is less than one year, your performance incentive will be pro-rated.

7. Duties and Responsibilities

Your duties include access control, handle incidents and enquires, patrolling & general security & safety duties. You will also conform to the Code of Conduct of the company and the Standing Operational Procedures of the client that you are assigned to. The job description is attached for your information.

8. Notice of Termination of Service

  1. The notice for termination is by one party giving to the other party according to below notice or salary payment deduction in lieu of notice:-

    Period of Employment
    Less than 3 month
    3 month & above

    Period required for notice to terminate
    2 weeks
    4 Weeks

  2. The company may terminate your Service summarily at anytime and without prior notification if you are found absent from duty without approval for more than 2 days continuously, guilty of misconduct, indiscretion, carelessness or negligence on your part.

9. Annual Leave

On completion of three months of continuous service with the company, you shall be entitled to 7 days of annual leave or prorated annual leave for incomplete year of service. Thereafter, you will be eligible for an extra day of annual leave for every subsequent year of continuous service up to maximum of 14 days.

@if($isView) {{--
@else {{--
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
--}} @endif

10. Medical Benefits & Insurance

On completion of 3 months of continuous service with the company, you will be entitled to 14 days paid sick leave & up to 60 days hospitalization leave per year of service. You are entitled to claim for medical reimbursement of consultation fee at Government Clinic.

You must inform us of your sick leave within 48 hours or else you will be deemed to be absent from duty. You are not entitled to paid sick leave when you are on annual leave, off day, rest day, no pay leave. Medical leave must be from Doctors registered under Medical Registration Act or Dental Registration Act.

You will be covered under the "Work Injury Compensation" insurance

11. Paternity, Maternity & Child Care Leave

You are entitled to the above accordingly to Singapore Employment Act. In addition, your leaves will be 2 days more than statutory entitlements.

12. Confidentiality and Non Disclosure

  1. You will not, at anytime, during the period of this agreement, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent of the Company, engage or interest yourself, whether for reward or gratuity in any work or business other than in respect of your duties to Reachfield Security and the client that you are assigned to.
  2. You will not disclose, divulge or discuss at anytime during the period of your employment or thereafter, any secrets, transactions or information related to Reachfield Security or clients of Reachfield Security and to which you might have had accessed during the period of your employment.
  3. You shall protect the data (eg, name, NRIC, Hand-phone no. of visitors) that you come into contact with during your course of duty according to Singapore PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act).

13. Others

As for other terms and conditions of employment not mentioned in this employment contract, the relevant provisions in the Employment Act shall apply.

Yours sincerely,
{!! getImage('signatures/gm_signature_89.png',50) !!}
Grace Lim
General Manager

I have read and understood the terms & conditions of the offer and hereby accept the appointment.

@if(!$isView) @endif
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
NRIC: {!! $nric !!}
Date: {!! \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
@else {{--
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
--}} @endif


  1. Security Officer must display security licence while on duty.
  2. Code of conduct for Security Officer, Security Officer must-
    1. Not sleep
    2. Not drink alcohol
    3. Not be absent from post
    4. Not use any threatening or abusive language
    5. Respond promptly to any request for assistance by any person within the premises where he is deployed if the person has suffered any personal injury, or any damage to or loss of his property, within the premises
  3. If not comply, Security Officer's license may subject to revocation or suspension.

  4. Security Officers shall keep confidential work related information like layout of the site, the security system, how many manpower being deployed, etc.
  5. Security Officer should not allowed unauthorized person (eg: friends, contractor, family members, etc) into any premises.
  6. Security Officers has the power of arrest like any other private person but no power to conduct search. However, you may restraint the suspect till the arrival of police.

This is to confirm that I have read & understand the above.

{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
@endif @if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id' => 'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location ?? NULL) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rest_day',$rest_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('date_recruited',$date_recruited) !!}

{!! Form::close() !!} {!! Html::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.22/fabric.min.js') !!}
@else @endif