@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)

@else @endif

This Employment Agreement dated this {!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? "".Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d')." (date) of ".Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('F')." (month) ". Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('Y')."" : $work_start_date !!} between:-

PLEDGE PROTECTION (ASIA) PTE LTD (the “Employer”), a firm having its place of business at No. 105 Sims Avenue #03-13 Chancerlodge Complex Singapore 387429; and

{!! $applicant !!} (the "Employee"), of {!!$nric!!} (IC No).

DOB: {!! showDate($dob) !!}

1.1Commencement of Employment

This employment contract will begin on {!! showDate($work_start_date) !!} and continue until terminated as set out in clause 16 (below).

1.2Probation Period: 3 months

The Employee will be confirmed automatically after 3 months unless the Employee has been notified he/she has failed your probation.

2.Place of work

{{ $location->name ?? '[EMPTY]' }}, subject to clearance by PLRD.
The Employer may transfer the Employee to any other sites at any time.

3.Job Description
3.1Job Title : @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)") Security Officer @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)") Senior Security Officer @elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)") Security Supervisor @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Supervisor (SSS)") Senior Security Supervisor @elseif ($hired_as == "Chief Security Officer (CSO)") Chief Security Officer @endif
3.2See attached for Duties and Responsibilities.
3.3Duties:- Refer to Annex 1 To provide security guard service to the site deployed to.

4.Remuneration, Deduction and Salary [as per MOM Calendar Year]

4.1 The employee’s monthly basic salary S$ {{$salary[0]}} per month
4.2 Maximum overtime of 2.67 hours per day for 26 days S$ {{$salary[1]}} per month
4.3 Maximum Attendance Allowance S$ {{$salary[2]}} per month
4.3b Maximum Productivity Allowance (${{$salary[6]}} per day x 26days) S$ {{($salary[6] != "") ? $salary[6] * 26 : ""}} per month
Total maximum gross salary per month based on 26 work days S$ {{ number_format(((float)$salary[0] + (float)$salary[1] + (float)$salary[2] + (float)$salary[3] + (float)$salary[6] * 26 ),2,'.','')}} per month


{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}

The Employee is a monthly rated employee. Salary Day will be on 5th of every month. If 5th falls on a Sunday or Public Holiday, the salary will be credited the following day.

Overtime Payment will be calculated monthly. Overtime payment will be credited into Employee's bank account on the 5th of every month. If 5th falls on a Sunday or Public Holiday, it will be credited the following day.

Employer will deduct the monthly CPF contribution from the employee's salary. Employer will use the standard CPF formula to calculate the amount for the Employee's contribution.

There is no fix monthly allowance.

Attendance, Punctuality and Performance Allowances are subject to the following conditions:
Only approved Annual Leave is considered as a working day for purpose of attendance allowance. Medical Leave is not considered as a working day for attendance allowance computation purpose.

Productivity Allowance payment is conditional upon the Employee working at the designated site at least 21 days in a month and on individual performance.

5.Working Days/Hours of Work/Overtime

Working days will be 6 days a week, up to a maximum of 26 work days in a month.

The normal working hours will be as follows unless otherwise agreed with client at site:

First Shift: 0800-2000 hours with option to work overtime for max of 2.67 hours
Second Shift: 2000-0800 hours with option to work overtime for max of 2.67 hours

You will be paid 1.5 times per hour for every hour of overtime.

We will use the following formula to calculate your hourly rate.

(Basic Salary x 12)/2286.96,

where 2286.96 is the number of normal working hours a year based on 7.33 hours day x 6 days a week x 52 weeks.

Rest Day: 1 day per week will be scheduled by the supervisor on a weekly basis.

Overtime will only be worked if authorized or agreed upon between the parties from time to time. Employee cannot work more than 72 hours of overtime in a month.


{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}

6.Meal and Short Breaks
The employee shall have the following breaks. Break time will be decided by the Supervisor.

Lunch / Supper Break: 1 hour

Short Breaks: no more than 15 mins each break, cumulative up to 1 hour

7.Rest Day work

Any work on rest day will be by agreement between the parties from time to time.

If the Employee works on his/her rest day at the request of the employer, he/she will be paid 1 day’s basic salary for working up to half the normal working hours and 2 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. [S37 (3) EA]

If the employee works beyond his/her normal daily working hours on his/her rest day, he/she shall be paid 1.5 times his hourly basic rate of pay.

If the employee works on his/her rest day at his/her own request, he/she will be paid 0.5 day’s basic salary for work up to half the normal daily working hours or 1 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. [S37 (2) EA]

8.Public Holiday

The Employee shall be entitled to all official public holidays on full basic pay.

If an employee works on a public holiday, he shall be paid an additional one day’s basic salary and travel allowance (if any) for that day. [S88 (4)EA]

9.Annual Leave


The employee, who has served for at least 3 months, is entitled to 7 days of paid annual leave for the first year of continuous service.

Employee shall be entitled to an additional day of leave for every additional year of service subject to a maximum of 14 days.

Where the employee’s period of employment is more than 3 months but less than 12 continuous months of service, the annual leave entitlement will be in proportion to the number of completed months of services in that year. [S43 (2) EA]

Employee is not allowed to take any unearned advance leave.

If Employee requests for no pay leave, it is subject to company’s discretionary approval. If Employee takes any no pay leave without the approval of the company, it will considered a break in the service contract.


{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}
@endif 10.Sick Leave (after probation period and after 3 months of continuous service)

The employee will be entitled to paid sick leave not exceeding:

14 days in each year if no hospitalization is necessary; or

60 days (including the 14 days in 10.1.1) in each year if hospitalization if necessary.


During the first three (3) months of employment the employee shall not be entitled to sick or hospitalisation leave. Any sick or hospitalisation leave taken during this period will be considered as unpaid leave.

Thereafter the paid sick leave will be phased in between the completion of 3 months and 6 months of service as follows:

No of months of service completed of a new employee Paid Outpatient non-hospitalisation Leave (days) Paid hospitalisation Leave (days)*
3 months 5 15
4 months 5 + 3 = 8 15 + 15 = 30
5 months 8 + 3 = 11 30 + 15 = 45
6 months 11 + 3 = 14 45 + 15 = 60
thereafter 14 60

The employee is to notify the employer immediately in case of his absence from work through illness after certification of his sick leave by a Government doctor. However, he must inform his Operation Executive or Control Room that he will be reporting sick at least 4 hour prior to the start of his duty.

Sick leave can be certified by the company’s doctor, Singapore registered doctor or a government doctor (including doctors and dentists from approved public medical institutions).

11.Maternity Leave (after probation period and after 3 months of continuous service)

The female employee will be entitled to 16 weeks paid maternity leave if she fulfils the following conditions:
The child is a Singapore citizen;
The child’s parents are lawfully married; and
The employee has served the employer for at least 90 days before the child birth

The female employee who does not fulfil criteria (i) and (ii) of 11.1 may still be entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave if she meets criterion (iii) of 11.1 and is covered under the Employment Act.


The female employee will be entitled to 16 weeks paid maternity leave if she fulfils the following conditions:

4 weeks immediately before the delivery of her child, and
12 weeks immediately after the delivery of her child.

Alternative distribution of the 16-week maternity leave will be by agreement between the female employee and the employer and be guided under Section 9 of the Children Development Act (Cap. 38A). [S9 CDCA]

The eligible female employee will also be entitled to receive payment from the employer at the gross rate of pay for the entire 16 weeks of maternity leave.

Any work that the female employee is required to perform during her maternity leave shall be by agreement between parties from time to time.


{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}

Where the female employee is required to work for any day during the period that she is on maternity leave before she delivers, she is entitled to receive an additional amount equivalent to a day’s pay at the gross rate of pay or to absent herself from work on another day at the end of her maternity leave. [S76(3) EA]


Paternity Leave (after probation period and after 3 months of continuous service)

Employee will be entitled to 2 weeks paternity leave if his new born (s) is :

Born on or after 1 January 2015
The child is a Singapore citizen
Employee is lawfully married to the child’s mother/were married at some point between conception and birth (inclusive)
Have served the company for a continuous period of at least 3 months before the birth of his child

You can take your leave as follows:

Arrangement Up to 2 weeks
Default, without any mutual agreement Take 1-2 continuous weeks within 16 weeks after the birth of the child
Flexibly, by mutual agreement Take 1-2 continuous weeks any time within 12 months after the birth of the child
Split the 1-2 weeks into working days and take them in any combination within 12 months after the birth of the child

Childcare and Extended Childcare Leave (after probation period and after 3 months of continuous service)

The employee (working parent) with any child (Singaporean) below 7 years of year of age, will be entitled to six days of paid Childcare leave per year, to a maximum of 42 days over a period of seven years, provided he/she has worked for the employer for at least 3 months.

The employee is entitled to be paid by the employer at the gross rate of pay for every day of such leave taken by the employee. [87A (5)EA ]

Any childcare leave unconsumed at the end of the calendar year (or for any period of 12 months as agreed between parties), or upon cessation of the employer/employee relationship, will be forfeited and no payment in lieu will be paid to the employee [S12B (8,11) CDCA, S87A(4,6)EA]


Extended Childcare Leave – If your youngest child is between 7-12 years old, you will be entitled to 2 days of extended child care leave a year if

The child is a Singaporean and the employee had worked in the company for more than 3 months.
If you have children that falls in both age groups, the maximum paid childcare leave is 6 days per year.


Compassionate Leave (after probation period and after 3 months of continuous service)

The employee will be given One day (1) Compassionate Leave upon deceased of their immediate family member. Immediate family members are parents, son and daughter. Death certificate and birth certificate must be submitted when apply for Compassionate leave.


{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}

Misconduct and Consequences
a.The following situations would be considered acts of misconduct:
  1. Insubordination, wilful disobedience of instructions from client or your superior(s)
  2. Negligence of duty, including poor conduct and poor performance
  3. Dishonesty
  4. Accepting bribes
  5. Malingering
  6. Fighting, heated quarrelling and aggressive behaviour
  7. Theft, vandalism or damages to Company’s or Clients’ property
  8. Being under the influence of alcohol and drugs
  9. Inciting and/or participating in any revolt against the Management
  10. Leaving the site without any authorized permission
  11. Being convicted of a criminal offence
  12. Infringement of Standing Orders
b.Upon confirmation of of misconduct, after due inquiry, any of the following actions may be taken by the employer against employee depending on the severity of the offence(s):
  1. Verbal warning,
  2. Written warning,
  3. Written warning and 1week suspension form work (without salary)
  4. Written warning and termination of service without salary in lieu of notice

16.Termination of Employment/Disciplinary Action

Either party can terminate this agreement with one month written notice (including Probation period) or by paying salary in lieu of notice for the relevant period.

The Employer reserves the right to terminate your employment by notice in writing to that effect and without payment of salary in lieu of notice or any other compensation whatsoever for any of the following reasons:

  1. Employee is found to have given particulars or answers which are found to be false or to have wilfully suppressed any material fact in your job application form.
  2. Employee is found to have a criminal record.
  3. Employee has a criminal or civil case pending against you in a court of law which in the sole opinion of the Employer will bring the name of the Company into dispute.
  4. Employee is convicted of any offence punishable with imprisonment.
  5. Employee is found to be physically unfit to carry out the duties required of you as a security officer.
  6. Employee is absent from work continuously for more than 2 working days, without approval or a good excuse.
  7. Employee is found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst on duty or reporting for duty.
  8. If Employee is found to be a drug addict.
  9. Employee is absent from work continuously for more than 2 working days without informing or attempting to inform your employer of the reason.
  10. Employee has committed an offence under para 15 Misconduct and Consequences that is punishable with immediate termination without notice.
  11. Employee fails his/her probation during the probation period.


{!! $applicant_sign[5] !!}

In the event the Employer is longer providing security services to the place of work the Employee has been assigned to, meaning this particular client of the Employer has terminated the security services, then this Employment Agreement will also end on the same day the security services for this client ends.



At least two sets of uniform will be supplied to the employee by the employer. Employee is not allowed to report for work in any uniform not authorised by the employer.



Where personal injury is sustained by the employee during the course of his duty by an accident, the employer will be liable to pay compensation where applicable under the Workman’s Compensation Act.


Medical Fee Reimbursement

The employer will reimburse medical consultation fee from Government Polyclinic and Government Hospital. Medical claim is NOT applicable for long term sickness or chronic illness such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetic, Kidney Dialysis, etc.


Cost of Office Uniform if Not Returned or Damaged

  1. Long Sleeve Shirt @ $25
  2. Short Sleeve Shirt @ $20
  3. Black Polo Shirt @ $20
  4. Tie @ $20
  5. Black Vest @ $25
  6. Name Tag @ $5
  7. Lanyard + Holder @ $15
  8. Safety Shoe @ $25


Conflict of Interest / Exclusive Service

If any of the Employee's family members are engaged in any business which has dealings with the Employer that could the effect of the Employee being faced with a conflict of interest in the discharge of the Employee's duties towards the Employer, the Employee must inform the Employer in writing as soon as possible.

Employee shall not, without the prior written consent of the Employer, be engaged in any outside business or be employed in any capacity, for any period by any person, government department, statutory board, firm, company or organisation other than the Employer.


{!! $applicant_sign[6] !!}


Confidentiality Undertakings

In the course of the employment, where the Employee has access to individual’s personal data or commercially sensitive information of the Employer, its clients including their visitors and contractors, business partners and associates, Employee undertakes to observe and comply with the below mentioned conditions and requirements on confidentiality, secrecy and non-competition. Employee will:

  1. Hold such information in strict confidence;
  2. Take such actions as may be necessary to prevent disclosure of such information;
  3. Use such information only for the purpose of your employment;
  4. Disclose such information to only those employees who have a need to know and who are bound by similar restrictions to disclosure and to use;
  5. Not release or publish any article, bulletin or report dealing in any way such information without the written consent of a director of the Employer;
  6. Not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of a director of the Employer.


Other conditions of Employment

Employee represents that all the information the Employee has provided in the Employment Application Form is true, complete and accurate. Other terms and conditions of the employment are as set out in the Employer’s policies and may be amended from time to time and at the Employer’s discretion.

The Employee acknowledges and agrees that the terms and conditions of this agreement.



This Agreement signed on this {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F') !!} Day of {!! Carbon::now()->format('Y') !!} (year).

{{--NOTE: Replace --Company Signature-- with company signature--}}
(Signature) (Signature)
--Company Signature--{!! $applicant_sign[7] !!}
Pledge Protection (Asia) Pte Ltd Name:{!! $applicant !!}
Annex 1
Job Description
Security Officer
  1. General Screening
  2. Access and Egress Control
  3. Clocking and Patrol
  4. Basic Incident Response
  5. Attend to Complaint
  6. Guarding and Patrolling
  7. Other security duties as assigned by Security Supervisor or Operations Executive and Manager
Senior Security Officer
  1. All the duty of a security officer, and the followings
  2. Incident response
  3. Manage Security and Safety Systems
  4. Regulate Traffic (Road Traffic Act)
  5. Assist State / Auxiliary Police in Law Enforcement
  6. Key Press Management
  7. Monitor CCTV/Centre Alarm / Fire Command Centre
  8. Other security duties as assigned by Security Supervisor or Operations Executive and Manager
Security Supervisor
  1. All the duty of a SO and SSO, plus the followings
  2. Incident Management & Reporting
  3. Direct Supervision of all your SOs and SSOs
  4. Execute Fire and Bomb Evacuation Plans & Exercise
  5. Other security duties as assigned by Senior Security Supervisor or Operations Executive and Manager
Senior Security Supervisor
  1. All the duty of a SO, SSO, SS, plus the followings
  2. In-charge of CCTV/Centre Alarm Monitoring Centre / Fire Command Centre
  3. Conduct Security & Risk Assessment
  4. Other security duties as assigned by Operations Executive and Manager
I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the job description given above. @if($isView)

{!! $applicant_sign[8] !!}
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
Annex 2
DOs and DON’Ts

All security staff deployed at site must observe the Do and Don’t strictly. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action against you, including deduction of your allowances.


Personal Conduct

  1. All the duty of a SO, SSO, SS, plus the followings
  2. In-charge of CCTV/Centre Alarm Monitoring Centre / Fire Command Centre
  3. Conduct Security & Risk Assessment
  4. Other security duties as assigned by Operations Executive and Manager

Personal Bearings

  1. You must be neatly dressed in company’s official uniform (with vest where required), black pants (no jeans allowed) and wear covered black shoes with socks.
  2. Change and wash your uniform every day. Make sure your clothing has no pungent or offensive smell.
  3. Your hair must be properly trimmed and neatly combed.


  1. You must be in uniform when you thumb in and/or clock in before the start of your shift. Do come in 15 minutes earlier if you need to change to your uniform or get briefings on your daily duties.
  2. You must thumb /clock out every day, and only after the end of your shift’s official time.
  3. Ensure the officer talking over your duty has reported before leaving your post. Inform your OE/OM immediately, and you will be compensated for the additional time you stayed and wait for the other officer.
  4. Cooperate with your OE, Supervisor and fellow officers and work together as a team.
  5. You must give at least 4 hours advance notice if you are reporting sick.
  6. You must submit the following month’s rest days forecast to your Supervisor and OE by the 25th of every month. Do check the weekly and monthly rest days and annual leave forecast which will be confirmed via the official watsapp chat group in the office phone at each site.

{!! $applicant_sign[9] !!}

Personal Conduct

  1. Do not shout, quarrel or use abrasive, abusive, aggressive or vulgar language at all time.
  2. Do not point your finger or gesture wildly when talking to people.
  3. Do not stand in an aggressive or provoking manner or challenge anyone to a fight.
  4. Do not consume any alcohol or have any smell or signs of alcohol.
  5. Do not smoke at any place other than the designated smoking area.
  6. Do not use your personal handphone while on duty.
  7. Do not group together to chit chat or loiter aimlessly around the guard house
  8. Do not over-stay your break time or meal time.
  9. Do not change to your civilian clothing until the officer taking over duties has reported.
  10. Do not engage in idle conversation with the tenants / domestic helpers. Stay away if there is no official matter.


  1. Do not circulate to anyone any photos or videos of any incident at the work place. This may be illegal under the PDPA. For official matters, report to OE and OM immediately.
  2. Do not write advance entry in the occurrence book.
  3. Do not use the facilities in the premise. They are for residents or tenants.
  4. Do not use the phone at the security counter/room for personal phone call.
  5. Do not enter any unit or apartment unless there is official duty to do.
  6. Do not safe keep any things for residents or tenants in the guard house. They may be illegal or for unauthorised purpose.
  7. Do not ask OE for urgent or last minute unscheduled off day or annual leave
  8. Do not mess up or keep unnecessary things in the guard house.
  9. Do not bad mouth the company in public or to the client. Be a responsible employee.
  10. Do not accuse the company of cheating your salary if you do not understand your pay slip. You should call the Accounts department to clarify.
I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the Dos and Don’ts given above. @if($isView)

{!! $applicant_sign[10] !!}
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
Annex 3

Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) Privacy Policy Statement

This statement sets out the Company’s Privacy Policy and the practices that will be followed with respect to the collection, use and/or disclosure of employee personal data. This statement is provided in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Act 26 of 2012) (the "PDPA").
1. Personal Data
You hereby agree that the Company, its subsidiaries and associated companies (together, the "Group") may, as your employer, collect, store, process, disclose, access, review and/or use personal data (including sensitive personal data) about you, whether obtained from you or from other sources, for the purposes set out below and/or any other evaluative purposes and/or the purpose of managing and/or terminating your employment with any company within the Group:-
(i) administering and maintaining personnel records;
(ii) paying and reviewing salary and other remuneration and benefits;
(iii) providing and administering benefits (including any applicable insurance and/or employee share option plan);
(iv) undertaking performance appraisals and reviews;
(v) maintaining records for sickness, holiday and other absence, including maternity, childcare or infantcare leave;
(vi) making decisions about your fitness for work;
(vii) providing references and information to future employers, and if necessary, governmental and quasi-governmental bodies, including, the Inland Revenue and the Central Provident Fund Board;
(viii) providing information to current and/or future partners and/or purchasers of the Company and/or its business and/or any company within the Group or any of their respective businesses;
(ix) maintaining medical and dental records, including information about your physical and mental health or condition;
(x) disciplinary and grievance matters;
(xi) recruitment activities;
(xii) opening, maintaining and operating bank accounts and the carrying out of treasury operations;
(xiii) arranging key installation visits and work-related travel, including the arrangement of flights, accommodation and visas, when necessary;
(xiv) facilitating the making and payment of claims and/or reimbursements, including payments by cheque, bank transfers or other means;
(xv) carrying out billing, accounting, auditing and the maintenance of proper book-keeping to explain the Company’s operations and business;
(xvi) tax filing purposes;
(xvii) the preparation of financial reports and disclosure of the relevant books, documents, records and information (in hard or soft copy) to the auditors, where necessary; and
(xviii) if you are assigned by the Company to work in other companies within the Group in another country, to comply with local legislation, including but not limited to local employment legislation and to apply for visas/work permits.
(xix) There may be pictures and videos collected for the marketing and/or publicity purposes. If you do not want your picture or video to be used, please contact dpo@hyflux.com


{!! $applicant_sign[11] !!}

2. Data Quality
The Company will take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal data it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up to date.

3. Data Security
The Company will take reasonable steps to protect the personal data it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
The Company will not keep personal data for longer than is necessary and will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal data if it is no longer needed.

4. Access and Correction
You are entitled to have access to the personal data about you that is in the possession or under the control of the Company and information about the ways in which the personal data has been or may have been used or disclosed within a year before the date of the request. This can be done by you making a written application to the Designated Person (as defined below) requesting for any such information. The Company reserves the right to charge a fee (representing its costs in administering your request) for supplying such information and to refuse requests which, in its opinion, occur with unreasonable frequency.
The Company will also, where you have requested that it correct an error or omission in the personal data about you that is kept with the Company, correct such data as soon as practicable and send the corrected personal data to every organisation to which the personal data was sent before it had been corrected, unless that organisation does not need the corrected personal data for any legal or business purpose.
The Company may however choose not to provide you with access to or correct such information, in accordance with the exceptions under the PDPA. This would include cases where:
(i) The Company is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the correction should not be made;
(ii) The request for access is frivolous or vexatious or the information requested is trivial;
(iii) The personal data is related to a prosecution and all the proceedings related to the prosecution have not been completed;
(iv) The personal data, if disclosed, would reveal confidential commercial information that could, in the opinion of a reasonable person, harm the competitive position of the organisation; and
(v) The personal data was collected, used or disclosed for the purposes of an investigation and associated proceedings and appeals have not been completed.

5. Enquiries and Complaints
The Company has designated the persons whose details are set out below as the person (“Designated Person”) who will be responsible for ensuring the Company’s compliance with applicable data protection laws. If you have any queries or requests or wish to make any applications concerning your personal information or data, please contact the Designated Persons:-

I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the statement given above. @if($isView)

{!! $applicant_sign[12] !!}
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
Pre-Employment Briefing

1. Your monthly salary will be S${{number_format(((float)$salary[0] + (float)$salary[1] + (float)$salary[2] + (float)$salary[3] + (float)$salary[6] * 26 ),2,'.','')}} a month. Basic salary S${{$salary[0]}}.

2. Salary day is on 5th of every month. If 5th is on Sunday or Public Holiday, it will be paid the following day. All salary will be through the bank.

3. Advance is on 12th, 20th and 27th. Maximum amount for each advance is $300.

4. You will be deployed to {{ $location->name ?? '[EMPTY]' }} (assignment) as a DAY/NIGHT shift @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)") SO @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)") SSO @elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)") SS @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Supervisor (SSS)") SSO @elseif ($hired_as == "Chief Security Officer (CSO)") CSO @endif.

5. Meals and break time will be decided by your immediate Supervisor.

Weekly off day will be scheduled by your OE or Supervisor. If you need any specific off day, you need to give the OE 1-week notice. You must take the minimum required number of off days every month as per MOM calendar. The rule of thumb is the number of off days is equivalent to the number of Sundays in the month.

Annual leave must be submitted in writing or through Armfort system at least 2 weeks in advance.

You must give ample notice for any of your leave of absence to allow the company sufficient time to find a relief officer to cover for your duty in your absence. If you make any late request for leave, you may be subjected to penalty as per company’s policy.

If you fail to clock in and out properly, or report late for work, and/or depart from work place early, you will be subject to disciplinary actions including deductions of your allowances.

I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the pre employment briefing given above.

{!! $applicant_sign[13] !!}
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
@endif @if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id'=>'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('performance',$salary[6]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location ?? NULL) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('contract_type',$contract_type) !!}

{!! Form::close() !!} {!! Html::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.22/fabric.min.js') !!}
@else @endif