This Employment Agreement dated this {!! showDate(Carbon::now()) !!} is made between: PAVO SECURITY AGENCY PTE LTD (herein after referred to as "the employer") of address 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #16-01 Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, Singapore 588179 and {!! $applicant !!} of NRIC/FIN No.:{{$nric}} herein after referred to as "the employee").
1.Commencement of employment.
This employment contract shall commence on {{$work_start_date}} and shall continue until terminated as stipulated in clause [20].
Job Title:
{{ $hired_as }}
Job Description:
All duties will be assigned as the Management deems fit and you must at all times diligently
carry out your duties to the best of your ability and in accordance with the SOP on Site (Annex C)
Place of Work:
Place of work will be determined by the employer.
The Management will make all reasonable efforts to assign employees to locations and shifts
preferred by the employee. However, operational necessity as determined by management will prevail, and employees may temporarily be assigned to other locations and shifts whenever required.
Probationary Period. (Applicable to NEW EMPLOYEE Only)
The first three (3) months of your employment will be probationary and may be extended by another three (3) months; your performance and suitability for continue employment will be reviewed at the end of your probation period. If you are promoted during the probationary period, you will be automatically confirmed in your service with the company.
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
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Refer to Annex A(Pay Scheme) for the Salary Breakdown.
Central Provident Fund (Singapore): In compliance with the Singapore law, the Company administers the CPF at the prevailing practice. It is a mandatory Social Security savings scheme for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents.
Income Taxes: The employee is responsible for the payment of his/her income taxes and other legal fees according to the laws and regulations of Singapore.
Allowance & Reimbursements: For the avoidance of doubt, all allowances and reimbursements mentioned above is not an entitlements but rather privilege given by the Company and are variable and paid depending upon the nature of work of your appointments & locations of your deployment, and shall not be considered as part of your basic remuneration (basic salary).
Working Days/ Hours of Work/Overtime.
The employee shall work 8 hours a day and 44 hours per week. Any additional hours will paid as OT as stipulated in Clause 6.1 (Annex A). You will be required to work on weekends and public holidays and you will be given one (1) day off per week and two (2) additional rest days per month as determined by the company.
Overtime shall be authorized only by the Directors, Operation Managers or Operation Executives in advance and no overtime compensation shall be made for casual staying in or work performed by the staff member if his/her own violation.
Salary and Advance Payments.
The pay day shall be on the 5th day of the following month (Payday), or the following working day, if such day should fall on a Public Holiday/Sunday.
There will be two (2) advances during each calendar month on the 15th and 25th, provided the employee has worked not less 10 days in the previous week, and subject to the approval of the employer.
Advance payment is a special privilege for the employee, the employer reserve the rights to amend or ceased this privilege without prior notice
Meal Intervals.
The employee shall have a meal (lunch/dinner) break as stipulated by the Employment Act.
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
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Rest Day Work.
Any work on rest day will be by mutual agreements between both parties from time to time.
If the employee works on his/her rest day at the request of the employer he/she will be paid one day’s of his basic salary when the employee works up to half the normal daily working hours or two days’ salary when the employee works more than half the normal daily working hours.
If the employee works beyond his/her normal daily working hours on his rest day, he shall be paid 1½ times his hourly basic rate of pay.
If the employee works on a rest day at his own request, he/she will be paid ½ day basic salary for work up to half the normal daily working hours or 1 day’s basic salary working more than half the normal daily working hours.
Public Holidays.
The employee will be entitled to paid public holiday provided he does not absent himself from work on the working day before and after, without informing the employer or without a valid reason
If the employee works on a public holiday he/she shall be paid an additional one day’s basic salary as stipulated by the Employment Act.
Medical Benefits & Medical Examinations.
Upon completion of service for three (3) months with the Company, the employee shall be entitled to paid medical leave not exceeding:
14 days in each year if no hospitalization is necessary; or
60 days (including the 14 days) in each year if hospitalization is necessary.
For employees of less than 6 (six) months of service, it shall be prorated according to the period of employment.
The employee is to notify the employer as soon as possible in the case of absence from work through illness in the first instance and after certification of Sick Leave.
The employee is only allowed to claim Doctor’s consultation fees from all Government Hospitals & Polyclinic including those fee incurred by Specialist’s Consultation from Government Hospital or Polyclinic. Any other medication cost incurred by Private Clinic or Private Hospital shall not be bored by the Company
{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}
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Only Medical Certificates issued by Singapore Government Hospitals & Singapore Polyclinic can be accepted. Any Medical Certificate issued by Private Doctors will not be accepted unless it is being endorsed by Singapore Government Doctor. It will be automatically considered as your ANNUAL LEAVE taken. For those who are under probation whereby no Annual Leave are entitled, it shall than be converted to NO PAY LEAVE for the day taken.
If the employee is above 60 years old and above, the initial medical examination fee will only be reimbursed to you upon confirmation of service with the company. Subsequent annual medical examinations fees while serving the company will be paid by the company. All security personnel are required to be medically examined and cost of the medical examinations will be borne as stipulated.
Annual Leave.
The employee, is entitled to 7 (seven) days of paid leave for every 12 (twelve) months of continuous service. One day’s paid leave will be added to the said employee’s annual leave entitlement for every subsequent 12 months of continuous service thereafter, up to a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days. The employee may utilize the annual leave upon completion of work for three months with the company.
Upon completion of three (3) months of work with the company, you shall be given the annual leave entitlement in which it will be in proposition to the number of completed months of service in that year.
Leave must be submitted at 7 days before the commencement of leave and is subject to the approval by the Company. The employee may carry forward his annual leave for a year which in turn would be forfeited if still left untaken at the end of the following year.
Urgent Leave: Urgent Leave request must be made not later than 12 hours in advance. Urgent leave will be counted as annual leave, providing an urgent situation is proven by submitting any requested documentation to the Employer not later than 48 hours after returning to duty, otherwise it will be treated as an unauthorized absence.
Compassionate Leave.
The employee shall be entitled for the compassionate leave of 3 days paid (basic salary only) in the event of the death of immediate family, defined as spouse, children, siblings, parents and One (1) day for immediate parent in law.
Maternity, Paternity, Childcare & Adoption Leave.
All eligible employees will be entitled to Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Adoption Leave and Childcare Leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Act and the Child Development Co-Saving Act respectively.
{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}
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A female employee who is pregnant shall have to give a written notice of the fact to her employer. The letter shall be accompanied by a certificate from a medical officer or a registered medical practitioner certifying that the female workman is pregnant.
Due to the nature of duties for security officer, there are no light duties available for pregnant employee who holds a security officer job. In this event, the employer reserved the rights to put the female workman on no pay leave/annual leave (whichever entitled) during her pregnancy and are subjected to the mutual agreement by both parties. Both parties could also negotiate and agree on any other arrangement that is mutually acceptable for both parties.
The employee shall be issued with two (2) sets of uniform and shall remain as the company’s properties and deem to have a useful life of six (6) months. The employee is allowed to exchange for two (2) sets of uniform on a half yearly circle. The exchange shall be based on a one to one exchange basis.
The Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion to recover from through legal actions such sums which the employee may owe the Company; including without the limitation, any over payments made to the employee by the Company or loses suffered by the Company as a result of your negligence or breach of Company rules or Clients rules or requirements.
The Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion to recover from the employee through legal action such sums which result in a penalty or financial deductions by Clients, due to your action(s), in action(s), unapproved absence, conduct, appearance, or behaviour.
Company & Intellectual Property.
All materials training and non-training, including those developed and research by the employee in the course of your employment with the company, shall remain the property of the company at all times and must not be reproduced, stored archived or transmitted in any form by mechanical or electronic means including information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the management.
Such company property must only be used for the benefit of the Company and for no other purpose whatsoever.
In employment with the company, the employee shall not install any unauthorized/ illegal/ unlicensed software in to the computers in your care. You shall inform the management and/ or It personnel-in-charge should the employee have need to install any form of software into the computer under your care.
{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}
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If it is discovered that there are any unauthorized / illegal /unlicensed software residing in the computers under your care, whether intentionally or unintentionally as discovered by internal and or external auditors, the Company shall not be responsible for the consequences and the employee shall indemnify PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd. For any hurt, loss or damages incurred as a result of the employee indiscretion.
Work Injury Compensation Insurance.
The company has Work Injury Compensation Insurance and the employee shall be covered by the same. The employee has the duty to report to the company of any personal injury sustained by the employee in the course of his employment with the company within 24 hours.
If the employee does not report then the employee may not be able to make a claim on the insurance.
Any compensation will be made where applicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act, that’s prevailing.
Termination & Repudiation of Employment.
During the probation period, the Company may at any time terminate your service, without assigning any reason, by giving you seven (7) days’ notice in writing of such intention or by paying seven (7) day’s salary in lieu. The employee shall be required to give seven (7) days’ notice in writing to the Company to leave the Company or to pay the Company seven (7) days’ notice salary in default thereof.
Upon confirmation, either the employee or the company may, at any time, without assigning fault or reason whatsoever, give One (1) Month notice in writing or One (1) Month Gross pay in lieu thereof, to terminate the employment.
The employee shall deemed to have repudiated this agreement if the employee have been continuously absent from work for more two (2) working days consecutively without prior permission, the employee would be considered as being resigned from the employment without notice and shall pay according to Paragraph 20.1 or 20.2 where applicable.
If the employee walks out or leave the place of duty without being relieved by another security personnel, the employee shall be deemed to have repudiated this agreement, the employee would be considered as being resigned from the employment without notice and shall pay according Paragraph 20.1 or 20.2 where applicable.
{!! $applicant_sign[5] !!}
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Notwithstanding paragraph 20.1 & 20.2 herein, the Company may at any time terminate this Agreement without notice in any of the following events:-
The employee makes a false or misleading statement during the hiring process, or during employment.
The employee is found working for other employment during your time off.
The employee is found to have violated any General Duties and Regulations of the company, or any Client’s policies and procedures. Neglect of duties or conduct yourself in a manner which, in the opinion of the Company, will bring the Company into disrepute.
If the employee upon attaining 60 years of age does not pass the medical examination as required by Police Licence Regulatory Department (PLRD) or if the employee’s License is suspended or revoked by Police License Regulatory Department (PLRD).
If the employee is a Malaysian and if his work permit / S Pass is suspended or revoked by Ministry of Manpower.
Termination & Repudiation of Employment.
The employee shall observe and abide by the Code of Conduct of PAVO Security Agency Pte. Ltd. Stipulated in Annex B.
In the event of any misconduct, the employee shall be given a verbal warning for the first time. Repetition of misconduct shall be reviewed and Employer shall serve the employee the 1st (first) warning letters, followed by subsequent 2nd (second) warning letter.. A final warning letter will be served should there be an event of Major Misconduct and the relevant disciplinary actions shall apply (Please refer to Employee Policy Manual – Annex B).
In the event of misconduct determined by the employer, the employer reserves the right to terminate the employee immediately without any pay in lieu and reserves the rights to proceed with legal actions if necessary (Please refer to Employee Policy Manual – Annex B).
In the event that you walk off the site at which you are deployed and while on duty, you shall deemed to have breached this Contract and to have resigned without notice. As such, you shall pay back the company seven (7) days or one (1) month salary-in-lieu of notice depending on whether you are on probation or as a confirmed employee respectively. You shall also be liable for any incidental losses, directly or indirectly, because of your errant behavior. You will be reported to PLRD who may take action to terminate your Security License.
{!! $applicant_sign[6] !!}
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During employment with the company, the employee shall not engage in any other employment or form any business without informing and obtaining prior written approval from the Employer.
Where the contract is terminated between the site and the employer, the employee will re-deploy to another location. Notwithstanding the situation where the employee decides not to accept such arrangement by the employer and decides to terminate his / her employment with the company, it is agreed and understood that the employee is not allowed to accept employment to work in such precedent site of the company, for a period of six months. If the employee breaches this clause, the employer recognizes that it would be difficult to measure damage to the company in the event of any breach of this clause by the employee and hereby the employee agree to pay the company a sum equivalent to six months of the remuneration.
Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Data (PDPA)
The employee personal data will be collected and used by or may be disclosed for purposes stipulated in the consent form (Annex D) signed and agreed by the employee
Upon agreement between both the employer and employee, the Company can modify, amend, or annul any terms and conditions of employment at any time by issuance of circulars, memorandums, letter of agreement and other instructions by whatever name from time to time, which will thereafter form part of the terms and conditions of employment and/or by way of provision under the Employment Act and/or any Statutory Modification thereof and/or by way of provisions under Private Security Industry Act 2008 ® revised edition and Regulations 2009 and/or any Statutory Modification thereof which may come in force from time to time.
I, (Name of Employee) {{ $applicant }}, NRIC/FIN No: {{ $nric }} hereby declare that I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions stipulated in this Contract of Employment and I have also been given a copy of my signed Contract of Employment.
In order for performance to be maintained at the highest standards possible, strict and prompt obedience to the order and instructions of immediate superiors and the management is required.
All security personnel are expected to observe the code of conduct, abide by the general rules and regulations and comply with the standard operating procedure of PAVO security Agency Pte. Ltd
All security personnel shall always regards themselves as members of an honorable profession to serve with honesty and integrity. (Core value – Honesty)
All security personnel shall be honest and not request, demand or accept monies of any nature for whatsoever reason. (Core value – Honesty)
All security personnel shall be impartial in the report of any incidents, regardless of the personnel or consequences involved, so as to assist his superior in arriving at the correct decision and reports. (Core value – Honesty)
All security personnel shall be discreet and shall not be involved in any forms of speculation or disclosure of the company’s information to any others. (Core value – Honesty)
All security personnel shall take full initiative in making efforts to know all their superiors, co-workers, sub-ordinates and his work thoroughly so as to improve on his own professional knowledge.(Core value – Initiative)
All security personnel shall, at all times, take complete charge of his duty and to execute all orders delegated by his superior and to enforce all rules. (Core value – Initiative)
All security personnel shall be vigilant and agile in his duties in the prevention of crime, trespassing, protection of property / assets loss and other acts of offences. (Core value – Initiative)
All security personnel shall be diplomatic and tactful while handling human and situational contingencies. (Core value – Initiative)
All security personnel shall improve work environment by showing good moral attitudes, better teamwork and mutual respect. (Core value – Teamwork)
{!! $applicant_sign[8] !!}
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Annex B
Employment Contract Clause [21]
All security personnel shall be courteous, informative and be of assistance to Directors, Management Staff, residents, tenants, visitors, superiors, co-workers and subordinates. (Core value – Teamwork)
All security personnel shall seek to upgrade their work performance from time to time, to train and be trained in various aspect of their work, so as to achieve a high standard of the profession.
All security personnel are to abide by the general rules and regulations.
Security personnel who fail to observe or to comply with the following rules will constitute the act of misconduct whereby the company will take disciplinary actions against the offender.
All security personnel must be punctual when reporting for duty and according to given schedule.
All security personnel must adhere to the allocated meal time and shall ensure the deployed position is covered by other officer during such meal.
All security personnel must report at guardhouse in full uniform 15 minutes before commencement of each shift for briefing and to receive work details and orders for the shift from their respective superior.
All security personnel are not allowed to sign in and sign out on behalf of another security personnel. Anyone caught doing so will face disciplinary action, including dismissal.
All security personnel are not allowed to leave the post of duty without approval and without being properly relieved.
All security personnel must always be properly attired in complete uniform whilst on duty. Such uniform shall be clean, tidy and neatly pressed at all times.
The PLRD Security Identification Card must be permanently and prominently displayed whilst on duty.
All security personnel must ensure they observe personal hygiene and grooming at all times.
{!! $applicant_sign[9] !!}
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Annex B
Employment Contract Clause [21]
All security personnel are to carry out all instructions / duties given by the superiors to the best of their abilities, with code of conduct as guidance.
All security personnel shall not indulge themselves in unnecessary conversation with anyone (e.g. Maids) or gather in to engage in any activity that will hinder their duties.
All security personnel shall not read magazines, newspapers or any other form of leisure literature while on active duty.
All security personnel shall not fall asleep or rest their heads with eyes closed or idle while on duty.
All security personnel are not permitted to smoke, eat or drink within public view while on duty.
All security personnel are not permitted to indulge in gambling/extortion of monies or accepting bribe or gist of any kind from any person while on duty.
All security personnel shall at all –time control their emotions when dealing difficult situations / persons. If necessary, refer or call in the immediate superior for assistance.
Whilst on duty, all security personnel must always present themselves as the front line public, relations officers and to observe the highest degree of discipline, honesty, courtesy at all times to co-workers, tenants, residents and management staff, within the limitation of your job responsibilities.
{!! $applicant_sign[10] !!}
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Annex C
Employment Contract Clause [3]
Duties and Responsibility of Security Personnel
Employed to protect and safeguard the interest of the client - People, Property and Others
Performing roles in Deterrence, Detection, Delay & Deny
Carry out patrols according to work schedule, frequency and clocking route allocated.
Check and ensure all security, safety equipment are in working order
Note and identify tell-tale signs of security violations and safety hazard and or faulty equipment
Security violations i.e. broken doors, windows, locks. Damaged fencing, wall. Obstructions to common areas i.e exit staircase
Identify and record faults, damages or security violations immediately to supervisor. Note down in pocket book
Report to Control/Supervisor of any incident/event and take appropriate actions/instruction before resuming patrol
Clock all clocking points
Record and update occurrence book and put up incident report if or any incident event occur
Record details of nature of incident, location, date & time
{!! $applicant_sign[12] !!}
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Annex D
Employment Contract Clause [23]
I, (Name of Employee) {{ $applicant }} NRIC/Fin No: {{ $nric }}, hereby consent to the following ;
My Personal Data being collected, shall be used for the purpose of managing my employment, job performance,
training, feedback and business operation of the company( PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd).
The company may disclose my Personal Data (including but not limited to my personal particulars and performance review information) to the clients to whom I am assigned to, and/or affiliates or related corporations. The clients and/or affiliates or related corporations would be processing my Personal Data either on my behalf or otherwise, for one or more of the above-stated purpose.
I also can be contacted by the company via call, email text message and/or post for matters
relating to job opportunities, recruitment, training as well as give feedback on matters as and when is required.
As Employee of PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd, I will not at any time or in any manner, either
directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit or to a Third Party divulge, disclose, or
communicate in any manner, any information that is proprietary to this Act.
As an employee of PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd I will protect such information and treat as
STRICLY CONFIDENTIAL. This provision will continue to be effective until the cessation
of my Employment and beyond.
Upon cessation of my Employment, I will return to PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd all records,
notes documentation and items that were used, created, or controlled by me during my Employment.
This UNDERTAKING is made on the {!! showDate(Carbon::now()) !!}, between PAVO Security Agency Pte Ltd (hereinafter called the COMPANY) of the first part and {!! $applicant !!} NRIC NO. {!! $nric !!}. (Hereinafter called the EMPLOYEE) of the second part.
Wherein the EMPLOYEE volunteer to work as a Security Officer on his/her off day upon his/her own request. The EMPLOYEE shall agree to accept the terms and conditions herein;
The COMPANY shall pay the EMPLOYEE ONE (1) Day’s Salary in accordance to the number of days he/she worked.
The amount paid shall be liable to CPF contribution (Central Provident Fund) and in compliance with the Singapore law. It is a mandatory Social Security savings scheme for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents.
The PAYMENT shall be paid to the EMPLOYEE together with his/her month-end salary on the 5th Day of the following month (Payday), or the following working day, if such day should fall on a Public Holiday/Sunday.
If the EMPLOYEE is found to have committed a breach of this Undertaking, the COMPANY may dismiss the EMPLOYEE forthwith