@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)

@else @endif

Date: {!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date !!}

Name:{!! $applicant !!} Start Date: {!! $work_start_date !!}

Dear {!! $applicant !!},

Employment Contract

We are pleased to offer your employment as @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)") SO (Security Officer) @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)") SSO (Senior Security Officer) @elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)") SS (Security Supervisor) @endif with the company. Your terms of employment are as follows:-

1. Place of Employment & Hours of work

Your normal place of employment shall be at {{$location->name ?? '[EMPTY]'}}. However, the company has the right to post you to any other place for duty at its discretion.

You are required to work 12hr shift per day and overtime shall be calculated based on work done more than 8 hours per day (incomplete week) or 44 hours per week (complete week - Mon to Sun). You will be given at least One (1) Off-Day per week.

2. Salary & Probation

Your basic salary is ${{$salary[0]}} per month based on alternate 5 / 6 day a week. Overtime if performed, will be estimated at ${{$salary[1]}} per month. The overtime will be capped at maximum of 72hrs per month. Your gross salary will be ${{ number_format(((float)$salary[0] + (float)$salary[1]),2,'.','') }} per month.

*Your probation is three months from date of commencement. You are deemed to be confirmed after three months if the company does not inform you otherwise and your pay is also the confirmation pay.

3. Allowances

You will be entitled to a monthly Allowance for

1.Attendance Allowance: @if (!empty($salary[2])) ${{ $salary[2] }} @else N/A @endif Subject to - Total working days 10 days & below = $4.00 P/day
- Total working days 24 days & below = $5.00 P/day
- Total working days 25 days & above = $12.00 P/day
2.Performance Allowance: @if (!empty($salary[6])) ${{ $salary[6] }} @else N/A @endif Subject to Performance and 100% Attendance
3.Site Allowance: @if (!empty($salary[3])) ${{ $salary[3] }} @else N/A @endif Subject to Performance and 100% Attendance

{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}

4. Public Holidays (PH)

You are entitled to Gazetted Public Holidays (PH). If you work on PH, you will be paid one more day of your basic pay or you may claim another day off. However, you will not be entitled to PH if you were to absent yourself the day before or the day after PH without the company's consent. If PH falls on your off day, the next working day shall be a paid holiday or the company may compensate you with extra day's pay.

5. Performance Bonus

You will be paid performance bonus in December every year provided you are with the company for at least 6 months. The Bonus payment is determined by your performance including punctuality and attendance. If your service is less than one year, your performance bonus will be pro-rated.

6. Duties and Responsibilities

Your duties include access control, handle incidents and enquires, patrolling & general security & safety duties. You shall faithfully and diligently serve the company and the client to whom you are assigned to. You will also conform to the standing orders of the company and the Standing Operational Procedures of the client you are assigned to.

7. Notice of Termination of Service

a) The notice for termination is by one party giving to the other party according to below notice or salary payment deduction in lieu of notice:-
Period of Employment Period required for notice to terminate
-Less than 3 months 1 week
-3 months & above 4 weeks

b) The company may terminate your Service summarily at anytime and without prior notification if you are found absent from duty without approval for more than 2 days continuously, guilty of misconduct, indiscretion, carelessness or negligence on your part.

8. Annual Leave

On completion of 3 (three) months of continuous service with the company, you shall be entitled to 7 days of annual leave or prorated annual leave for incomplete year of service. Thereafter, you will be eligible for an extra day of annual leave for every subsequent year of continuous service up to maximum of 14 days.


{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}

9. Medical Benefits & Insurance

On completion of 6 (six) months of continuous service with the company, you will be entitled to 14 days paid sick leave & up to 60 days hospitalization leave per year of service. You are entitled to claim for medical reimbursement of consultation fee at Government Clinic.

You must inform us of your sick leave within 48 hours or else you will be deemed to be absent from duty. You are not entitled to paid sick leave when you are on annual leave, off day, rest day, no pay leave. Medical leave must be from Government Doctor. You will be covered under the "Work Injury Compensation" insurance.

10. Maternity & Child Care Leave

You are entitled to the above accordingly to Singapore Labour Law.

11. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

a) You will not at anytime during the period of this agreement, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent of the Company, engage or interest yourself , whether for reward or gratuity in any work or business other than in respect of your duties to Aspectus and the clients that you are assigned to.

b) You will not disclose, divulge or discuss at anytime during the period of your employment or thereafter, any secrets, transactions or information related to Aspectus or clients of Aspectus and to which you might have or had accessed during the period of your employment.

c) You shall protect the data (eg, name, NRIC, Mobile number of visitors) that you come into contact with during your course of duty according to Singapore PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act)

12. Others

As for other terms and conditions of employment not mentioned in this employment contract, the relevant provisions’ in the Employment Act shall apply.

Yours Sincerely,
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature.png') !!}

I have read and understood the terms & conditions of the offer and hereby accept the appointment.

Name: {{$applicant}} NRIC: {{$nric}}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!} Signature: {!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}
Operations - Security Division

@if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")

As Security Officer, you will be attached and deployed to the Security Operations of Aspectus Consultancy as a SO (Grade) as per your employment agreement. You will report directly to the Site Supervisor and Operations team (OE, OM). A summary of your job descriptions as below:

@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")

As Senior Security Officer, you will be attached and deployed to the Security Operations of Aspectus Consultancy as a SSO (Grade) as per your employment agreement. You will report directly to the Site Supervisor and Operations team (OE, OM). A summary of your job descriptions as below:

@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")

As Security Supervisor, you will be attached and deployed to the Security Operations of Aspectus Consultancy as a SO (Grade) as per your employment agreement. You will report directly to the Site Supervisor and Operations team (OE, OM). A summary of your job descriptions as below:

@endif @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)") @elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)") @elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)") @endif
Sector Security
Track Private Security
Occupation @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")

Security Officer

@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")

Senior Security Officer

@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")

Security Supervisor

Job Role @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")

Security Officer

@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")

Senior Security Officer

@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")

Security Supervisor

Job Role Description @if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")

The Security Officer is responsible for protecting assigned premises, assets and personnel. You are expected to detect and deter potential threats. Your duties include performing access control, conducting security screening, attending to enquiries from stakeholders, patrolling and guarding premises, as well as managing incidents and emergencies.

You may be required to work in rotating shifts and must be physically fit. You are expected to be vigilant, decisive, and possess effective communication skills. You have to be well-groomed and pleasant when interacting with stakeholders.

You may be deployed to a variety of places, including industrial, residential and commercial areas, as well as educational institutions and government buildings.

@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")

The Senior Security Officer is responsible for protecting assigned premises, assets and personnel. You are expected to detect and deter potential threats. Your duties include managing key press, regulating traffic, attending to enquiries from stakeholders, performing surveillance at the command centre, operating security systems, providing assistance to law enforcement and managing incidents and emergencies.

You may be required to work in rotating shifts and must be physically fit. You are expected to be vigilant, decisive, and possess effective communication skills. You must uphold a professional image when interacting with various stakeholders.

You may be deployed to a variety of places, including industrial areas, residential, commercial areas, as well as educational institutions and government buildings.

@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")

The Security Supervisor assists the Senior Security Supervisor in leading the security team which protects assigned premises, assets and personnel. You are expected to handle medical incidents, compile incident reports, liaise with and provide relevant information requested by other departments. Your duties include managing the security team, monitoring its performance and providing coaching and advice when necessary.

You are required to work in rotating shifts and be physically fit. You are expected to be vigilant, decisive, resilient, and possess effective communication skills. You must uphold a professional image when interacting with various stakeholders. You may be deployed to a variety of places, including industrial, residential and commercial areas, as well as educational institutions and government buildings.

Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks Critical Work Functions Key Tasks
Provide concierge security services Attend to enquiries from visitors
Conduct general security screenings
Perform access controls
Detect security threats Conduct security patrols in premises
Guard premises
Manage incidents Assist authorities in law enforcement
Provide secondary support to incident and emergency responses
Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks Critical Work Functions Key Tasks
Provide concierge security services Attend to enquiries from visitors
Manage key presses
Regulate traffic and crowds
Detect security threats Operate security alarm systems
Perform security surveillance at command centres
Operate Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems
Manage incidents Assist authorities in law enforcement
Provide secondary support to incident and emergency responses
Critical Work Functions and Key Tasks Critical Work Functions Key Tasks
Detect security threats Manage security personnel in security surveillance
Manage security teams Coach security personnel
Conduct team briefings
Supervise security personnel
Manage incidents Compile incident reports
Execute evacuation plans or exercises
Handle medical incidents
Provide relevant information that are required by other departments relating to case management
Signature / Signed by
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature.png') !!}

Name: {{$applicant}} NRIC: {{$nric}}
Date: {!! Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!} Signature: {!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}
@endif @if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id'=>'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('performance',$salary[6])!!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location ?? NULL) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('contract_type',$contract_type) !!}

{!! Form::close() !!} {!! Html::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.22/fabric.min.js') !!}
@else @endif