@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
@else @endif

Contract Employment Agreement

This Employment Agreement dated this {!! \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!} is made between:

Chang & Chang Security Management Pte Ltd (Herein after referred to as "the employer")


{!! $applicant !!}, NRIC No: {!! $nric !!} (Herein after referred to as "the employee")

1. Commencement of Employment

This employment contract begins on {{showDate($work_start_date)}} and continues until terminated as set out in clause 14 (below).

2. Place of work




Any site under Chang & Chang Security Management Pte Ltd


3. Job description

  1. Job Title: {!!$hired_as!!}
  2. Duties: All aspects of security duties which includes Counter, guard and patrol duties and incident management.
  3. Comply with ISO 9001 : 2008 requirements

4. Remuneration

Item Amount SGD($)
The employee’s basic salary shall be paid by cheque on 5th and 20th of the month {!! $salary[0] !!} per month
A fixed monthly site allowance as a Security Supervisor (if any): {!! $salary[1] !!} per month
A monthly fixed handphone allowance (if any): {!! $salary[2] !!} per month
A monthly fixed laundry allowance (if any): {!! $salary[3] !!} per month
A monthly fixed transport allowance (if any): {!! $salary[4] !!} per month
Others Allowance (if any): {!! $salary[5] !!} per month
The total value of the above remuneration shall be: {!! $salary_total !!} per month

The employee shall also be paid the overtime (OT) for work beyond 8 hours in a day or 44 hours a week. Advance pay would be paid on 20th of the month before the pay day on the 5th of the following month.

The employer shall review the employee’s remuneration/salary upon confirmation in the appointment and subsequently once a year.

{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}

5. Working Days / Hours of work / Overtime

Working days will be {{$work_day}} days a week.

The normal working hours will be {{showTime($start_time).' to '.showTime($end_time)}}

The normal working hours is 8 hours in a day or 44 hours in a week. If the employee works beyond the normal working hours, if required at the work place, the overtime will be calculated at one and half times the employee’s basic rate of salary.

Rest day – One off day per week.

Overtime will only be worked if authorized or agreed upon between the parties from time to time **

** The overtime will be calculated at the rate of not less than one and a half times the employee’s hourly basic rate of pay.

6. Meal Intervals

The employee shall have a meal (lunch/dinner) break of 45 minutes.

The employee engaged in shift work shall have a meal break of 45 min for every 8 continuous hours of work from time to time. [S38 (b) (i) EA]

7. Sunday or Rest Day Work

Any work on rest days will be by agreement between the parties from time to time.

If the employee works on a rest day at the request of the employer he/she will be paid 1 day’s basic salary for working up to half the normal daily working hours or 2 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours.

If the employee works beyond his/her normal daily working hours on his rest day, he shall be paid 1½ times his hourly basic rate of pay.

If the employee works on a rest day at his own request, he/she will be paid ½ day’s basic salary for work up to half the normal daily working hours or 1 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. [S37 (3) EA]

8. Public Holidays (See Explanatory Notes 4)

The employee will be entitled to all official public holidays on full pay.

If the employee works on a public holiday he/she shall be paid an additional one day’s basic pay and travel allowance (if any) for that day. [S42 (4) EA]

{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}

9. Annual Leave

The employee, who has served for at least 3months, is entitled to 7 days of paid leave for every 12 months of continuous service **

Where the employee’s period of employment is more than 3 months but less than 12 continuous months of service, the annual leave entitlement will be in proportion to the number of completed months of service in that year. [S43 (2) EA]

* The employee will not be permitted to work overtime for more than 72 hours a month.

** The overtime will be calculated at the rate of not less than one and a half times the employee’s hourly basic rate of pay.

10. Sick leaves

The employee will be entitled to pay sick leave not exceeding:

  1. 14 days in each year if no hospitalization is necessary; or
  2. 60 days (including the 14 days in 10.1.1) in each year if hospitalization is necessary.

During the first three months of employment the employee will not be entitled to pay sick leave and any sick leave taken during the period will be considered as unpaid leave.

The employee is to notify the employer as soon as possible in case of his/her absence from work through illness after certification of his sick leave by company’s doctor or a Government doctor or any other certified medical practitioner or medical officer.

11. Maternity leave (if applicable)

The female employee will be entitled to paid 16 weeks maternity leave as follows:-

  1. 4 weeks immediately before the delivery of her child; and
  2. 12 weeks immediately after the delivery of her child.

An Employee who has given birth to a child who is a Singapore Citizen at birth is eligible for Government paid maternity leave (i.e. 16 weeks of paid maternity leave) if she satisfies the following:

  1. She is lawfully married to the child’s father at the time of child’s conception of birth; and
  2. She has served her employer for at least 90 days before the birth of the child.

12. Childcare leave

The employee (working parent) with any child below 7 years of age will be entitled to six days paid Childcare leave per year provided he/she has worked for the employer for at least 3 months. [S87A (1) & (2) EA]

The employee is entitled to be paid by the employer the gross rate of pay for every day of such leave taken by the employee. [S87A (5) EA]

Any childcare leave unconsumed at the end of the calendar year (or any period of 12 months as agreed between parties), or upon cessation of the employer/employee relationship, will be forfeited and no payment in lieu will be paid to the employee. [S87A (6) EA]

{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}

13. Deductions from remuneration

The employer may not deduct any monies from the employee’s wage other than those allowed under the Employment Act or ordered by the Court.

14. Termination of employment

Either party can terminate this agreement with 1 month written notice or by paying salary in lieu of notice for the relevant period.

15. Uniform

Two (2) sets of uniforms will be supplied to the employee by the employer and will remain the property of the employer.

16. Workmen’s Insurance

Where personal injury is sustained by the employee in the course of his employment, the employer will be liable to pay compensation where applicable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act (Cap. 354) [S3(1) WCA]

The employer will insure and maintain insurance under one or more approved policies with an insurer against any liability that he would incur to any workmen employed by him where applicable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act. (Cap. 354) [S23 (1) WCA]

17. Other conditions of employment or benefits

The probation period is three months and the period may be extended if your performance is not up to the satisfaction of the company. During the first 3 months, you are not entitled to any leave/medical leave and other benefits.

Please refer to Annex A for other conditions.

18. General

Any changes to this agreement will only be valid if they are in writing and have been agreed and signed by both parties.

{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}


ON {!! \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}.

Yours sincerely,
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature_20.JPG',60) !!}

Stanley Chang
Managing Director

I have read and understood the terms & conditions of the offer and hereby accept the appointment.
Name: {!! $applicant !!}
NRIC: {!! $nric !!}
Date: {!! \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('d F Y') !!}
Employee Signature:
{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}
@endif @if($isView)
Witness Signature:
Witnessed By:
Name: {!! $witness_name !!}
Designation: {!! $witness_designation !!}
{!! $applicant_sign[5] !!}


    At any time during or after the probationary period, your appointment may be terminated by the Company any of the following offences committed:
    1. Insubordination, inciting others to revolt against our Management / Client.
    2. Gross Misconduct.
    3. Wilful Disobedience.
    4. Dishonesty, accepting bribes in service/cash, extortion.
    5. Negligence of duties, failure to comply with Superior’s instructions.
    6. Fraud or Infringement of Company’s / Client’s regulations or instructions.
    7. Under the influence of alcohol / drugs whilst on duty or in full uniform.
    8. Assaulting an officer from our Management / Client’s representative or member of public
    9. Theft, Vandalism or Damage to Company’s / Client’s property, etc.
    10. Malingering.
    11. Leaving post without being relieved.
    12. Any other actions or non-action deemed as an offence.
    • You are required to return all our uniforms and items, such as walkie-talkie, ear-piece, locker keys, and etc, that are issued to you before or during your service with our company when you have resigned or been terminated.
    • The return can only be done in our office only when you are collecting your salary from our company.
    • You can authorise anyone to hand over your uniforms and equipment when collecting your salary.
    The employee will deemed to have broken their service with our Company, if he is continuously absent from work for more than two (2) working shifts without permission from his Operations or CHANG & CHANG’s management staff.
    You are not allowed to join our client that you are serving after you have resigned or left our company within a six (6) months’ period. If you are found to have served our client within 6 months after you have left our company, you are willing to pay one month of your last drawn salary, otherwise you shall to be sued by our company subsequently.
    You are responsible for your own income tax (for Malaysians only)
    Any telephone bills incurred at the assignment for calling to Malaysia, other foreign destinations or excessive monthly telephone bills will be borne by you.
    You are to observe the code of conduct as long as you are in Chang & Chang’s uniform.
    1. Must call the Fire Command Centre / Operations staff in charge of the assignment you are deployed to minimum of 2 hours before the reporting time.
    2. Must hand over your Medical Certificate (MC) after 24 hours obtaining the certificate from the doctor. For hospitalisation leave, you are to hand over after you have been discharged.
    3. Our company would only recognise government Medical Certificates and reimburse medical consultation fees only.
    1. Employees are entitled to one rest day per week which will be roistered.
    2. CSO/Supervisors to ensure that the “OFF” day of each security officer is forecasted at least (3) three days in advance, duly record in the attendance book and acknowledge by following person:
      • Security officer taking the “OFF” day
      • CSO / Supervisor.
      • Operation staff.
      CSO / Supervisors will need to apply the same procedure except they will inform his/her direct supervisor and Operation Executive.
    3. CSO / Supervisor are to ensure that there are not more than one security officer taking “OFF” in one working shift.
    Unpaid leave must be applied through our prescribed leave application form and approval is at the discretion of CHANG & CHANG Management. The Management reserves the right for not approving such application without assigning any reasons.
    Processing of loan application is at least 3 working days. There is no immediate reimbursement from your Operation staff, and loan approval is based on working attitude, attendance, performance, conduct, etc. There is no automatic or guaranteed approval of loan.


Under Paragraph 3 of Private Security Industry Act (Conduct) Regulations

When carrying out his function as a security officer, a licensed security officer must:-

  1. Not sleep;
  2. Not consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol;
  3. Not be absent from the place where he is deployed without valid reasons;
  4. Not use any threatening or abusive language;
  5. Keep his uniform clean and tidy; and
  6. Respond promptly to any request for assistance by any person within the premises where he is deployed if the person has suffered any personal injury, or any damage to or loss of his property, within the premises.


Security officers deployed at assignment are to observe the following RULES & REGULATIONS while on duty in the Building or in full Chang & Chang’s uniform.

  1. To remain alert and awake throughout your hour of duty.
  2. To update the occurrence book every hourly and record in full details of any unusual activities/incidents.
  3. You are not to leave the security counter or other static duty unattended, unless directed by your superior or being call upon to attend to other unscheduled duty.
  4. You are to be in proper attire during your hour of duty, sloppiness will not be tolerated, wear only approved uniform (well pressed & fresh), tie, black leather shoe & belt ensuring smart appearance at all times.
  5. You are not to make private calls through the telephone at the security counter or Fire Command Centre, not to gossip with other staff or entertain your friends while on duty.
  6. You are to observe politeness when answering telephone calls, be courteous and tactful in dealings with the member of public.
  7. You are not allowed to smoke, read newspaper, gamble, smell of alcohol and sleep while on duty.
  8. You are to ensure that no unauthorised persons enter the Building after arming hours. You are to report to your supervisor on any persons found or caught trespassing, stealing, vandalising or creating public nuisance/mischief and unauthorised parking overnight, and etc.
  9. You are to respond immediately to any FIRE or SECURITY alarm promptly and to record full details in the occurrence book and also to follow up with an INCIDENT REPORT.
  10. Avoid accepting gifts, any form of favour from client and its tenants, contractors and visitors in terms of cigarettes, food, drinks or etc.
  11. Any problem encountered at work site, do not see the Building Manager, etc but bring the matter to your Supervisor, if not call your Operation Executive.
  13. When ‘off’ duty, do not stay or loiter around the assignment and as long as you are in uniform you are to observe the above RULES & REGULATIONS.
  14. Obey the CODE OF ETHICS FOR SECURITY OFFICERS NO.1-23 as attached.



  1. As a private security professional, I regard myself as a member of an important and honourable profession.
  2. I will not talk bad or gossip about my company, the organisation, its employees and clients.
  3. I will carry out all duties assigned to me efficiently and effectively.
  4. I will always be present and punctual for duty.
  5. I will be alert and remain calm under stress.
  6. I will greet everyone with respect.
  7. I will suggest constructive ideas for improvements in security and safety.
  8. I will be a team player and seek to promote co-operation.
  9. I will speak and listen with empathy.
  10. I will not smoke or consume alcoholic drinks or drugs whilst on duty.
  11. I will not eat or drink in Public view whilst on duty.
  12. I will be in proper uniform with smart appearance whilst on duty.
  13. I will safeguard the lives and property of those I serve by upholding the law.
  14. I will report for duty on time and will provide documentary proof if I am unable to do so.
  15. I will not leave my post unattended without informing my supervisor or without proper relief.
  16. I will carry out all instructions and show respect to my Superiors.
  17. I will report all incidents to my supervisor.
  18. I will maintain a courteous and professional relationship with tenants, staff, colleagues or members of the public while on duty.
  19. I will keep the security facilities provided by the company in good condition.
  20. I will patrol the premises before handling over to the Security Personnel taking over for duty.
  21. I will refrain from the following while on duty:
    1. Careless or negligent behaviour.
    2. Smoking neither in public nor to be under the influence of alcohol.
    3. Sleeping while on duty.
    4. Engaging in any activity that will distract me from performing my job effectively.
    5. Engaging in any acts of dishonesty.
    6. Collecting contributions for whatever purpose without the prior consent of my supervisor.
  22. Should I have any misgivings or unhappiness with any aspect of management, I will bring it to the attention of my supervisors.
  23. I will be faithful, diligent and dependable in discharging my duties, and to protect the rights of others.
@if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id'=>'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location ?? NULL) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!}

{!! Form::close() !!} {!! Html::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.22/fabric.min.js') !!}
@else @endif