@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
VIGILANTECH SECURITY MANAGEMENT PTE LTD (herein after referred to as "the employer") and
NAME : {{$applicant}} NRIC : {{$nric}} (herein after referred to as "the employee")
Address of employee: {{$applicant_address}}
This employment contract will begin on {!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date !!} and continue until terminated as set out in clause 15 (below).
1.1 You will be on probation for period of three months from the date of your commencement of duty. Your probationary period may be extended at the sole discretion of the company and you will be notified. The probationary period is solely for the purpose of enabling the company to determine whether if you are suitable for your appointment.
1.2 Your appointment is subject to your compliance with the conditions of service and the Company’s rules and practices, both expressed and implied.
2.1 Your place of work will be as per roster schedule.
2.2 The company had the authority to transfer you to any other assignment it deems fit.
3.1 You will receive a approximately consolidated income of {{-- Gross = Basic + (OT * 26) + (Transport * 26) + (Meal * 26) --}} S$ {{ (float)$salary[0] + ((float)$salary[1] * 2 * 26) + ((float)$salary[2] * 26) + ((float)$salary[4] * 26) }} which is inclusive of basic salary, monthly overtime and allowances (if any).
BASIC SALARY PER MONTH | S$ {{ !empty($salary[0]) ? number_format($salary[0],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} |
Overtime pay = 2 hours x S$ {{ !empty($salary[1]) ? number_format($salary[1],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} Hourly basic rate of pay x 1.5 x number of hours worked overtime |
S$ {{ !empty($salary[1]) ? number_format(($salary[1] * 2),2,'.','') : '0.00' }} |
Hourly basic rate of pay (12 x Monthly basic rate of pay) / (52 x 44) |
S$ {{ !empty($salary[3]) ? number_format($salary[3],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} |
Transport allowance (based on days worked) | S$ {{ !empty($salary[2]) ? number_format($salary[2],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} Per Shift |
Meal Allowance (based on days worked) | S$ {{ !empty($salary[4]) ? number_format($salary[4],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} Per Shift |
Site Allowance (based on days worked) | S$ {{ !empty($salary[5]) ? number_format($salary[5],2,'.','') : '0.00' }} Per Shift |
3.2 Pay period is as per calendar month. The employee’s basic salary shall be paid through GIRO on 7th of the following month. If 7th falls on Sunday or Public Holiday, the payment will be credit on the next business day.
3.3 The total amount of Overtime pay for the calendar month will be made not later than 10th of the following month.
3.4 The employer shall review the employee’s remuneration/salary once a year or every two years depending on economy situation.
@if($isView)4.1 Job Title - {!! $hired_as !!}
@if($isView)4.2 Duties:
5.1 Standard hours of work a day is 8 hours and not more than 44 hours a week. However your current work arrangement is as follows :
5.2 You may be required to work beyond the normal working hours to discharge your duties at the sole discretion of the Company.
5.3 The Company reserves the right, at sole discretion; to revise, amend or extend the working hours should the need arise.
5.4 Rest day as per deployment schedule.
5.5 You will be entitled to four rest days per month.
5.6 You can only work up to 72 overtime hours in a month.
@if($isView)5.7 The additional one (1) hour of work will be computed at a rate – one 1.5 times of the basic hourly rate.
@if($isView)6.1 The employee engaged in shift work shall have a meal break of 1 hour for every 8 continuous hours of work from time to time. [S38(b)(i) EA]. He / she shall have breaks taken as below :
7.1 Any work on Sundays/rest days will be by agreement between the parties from time to time.
7.2 If the employee works on a Sunday/rest day at the request of the employer, he/she will be paid 1 day’s basic salary for working up to half the normal daily working hours or 2 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. [S37(3) EA]
7.3 If the employee works beyond his/her normal daily working hours on his rest day, he shall be paid 1½ times his hourly basic rate of pay.
7.4 If the employee works on a Sunday/rest day at his/her own request, he/she will be paid ½ day’s basic salary for work up to half the normal daily working hours or 1 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. [S37(2) EA]
8.1 The employee will be entitled to all official public holidays on full pay.
8.2 If the employee works on a public holiday he/she shall be paid an additional one day’s basic pay and travel allowance (if any) for that day. [S88(4) EA]
9.1 The employee, who has served for at least 3 months, is entitled to 7 days of paid leave for every 12 months of continuous service. For each completed year of service, the number of days of annual leave will increase by1 day until a maximum of 14 days.
9.2 Where the employee’s period of employment is more than 3 months but less than 12 continuous months of service, the annual leave entitlement will be in proportion to the number of completed months of service in that year. [S43(2) EA]
@if($isView)10.1 The employee will be entitled to paid sick leave not exceeding:
10.2 During the first three months of employment the employee will not be entitled to paid sick leave and any sick leave taken during the period will be considered as unpaid leave.
10.3 The employee is to notify the employer as soon as possible in case of his/her absence from work through illness after certification of his/her sick leave by company’s doctor or a Government doctor or any other certified medical practitioner or medical officer
10.4 Employee above 60 years old shall obtain authorisation letter from company to proceed for the compulsory annual medical check-up at Healthway Medical. Cost will borne by company.
10.5 Employee seeking general consultation at Healthway Medical need not pay cash upfront if total bill is below S$50. Upon receipt of the monthly billing, company will absorb the consultation fee before offset the medication charges. The billing will be reflected on your payslip posted on your email.
We have negotiated discount fees for employee’s family members when they visit Healthway Medical. They will need to mention your name at point of registration subject to Healthway’s staff verification. Please note their bill will not be covered by our company.
11.1 The female employee will be entitled to paid 16 weeks maternity leave if she fulfils the following conditions:-
11.2 The female employee who does not fulfil criteria (i) and (ii) of 11.1 may still be entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave if she meets criterion (iii) of 11.1 and is covered under the Employment Act.
11.3 The 16-week maternity leave is to be distributed in the following manner:
11.4 Alternative distribution of the 16-week maternity leave will be by agreement between the female employee and the employer and be guided under Section 9 of the Child Development Co-savings Act (Cap. 38A). [S9 CDCA]
11.5 The female employee will also be entitled to receive payment from the employer at the gross rate of pay for the entire 16 weeks of maternity leave.
11.6 Any work that the female employee is required to perform during her maternity leave shall be by agreement between parties from time to time.
11.7 Where the female employee is required to work for any day during the period that she is on maternity leave, she is entitled to receive an additional amount equivalent to a day’s pay at the gross rate of pay or to absent herself from work on another day at the end of her maternity leave. [S76(3) EA]
11.8 The employer should be given at least one week’s notice by the female employee before she goes on maternity leave. Where possible, the employee should inform the employer in advance how she intends to consume the maternity leave. When the employee has delivered, she should inform the employer of the date of her delivery as soon as practicable.
@if($isView)12.1 Working fathers will be entitled to 2 weeks of Government-Paid Paternity Leave for all births provided they meet the following criteria:
13.1 An employee is entitled to 6 days of childcare leave per year if he/she is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act. The Child Development Co-Savings Act covers all parents of Singapore citizens, including managerial, executive or confidential staff if all three of the following conditions are met:
13.2 Parents of non-citizens covered under the Employment Act are entitled to 2 days of childcare leave per year if:
13.3 Any childcare leave unconsumed at the end of the calendar year (or any period of 12 months as agreed between parties), or upon cessation of the employer/employee relationship, will be forfeited and no payment in lieu will be paid to the employee. [S12B(8,11) CDCA, S87A(4,6) EA]
14.1 The employer may not deduct any monies from the employee’s wage other than those allowed under the Employment Act or ordered by the Court.
15.1 Either party can terminate this agreement with 1month written notice or by paying salary in lieu of notice for the relevant period.
@if($isView)15.2 However, in the case of the followings, You shall be liable for disciplinary action or summary dismissal without notice:
a. Gross misconduct | d. Negligence of duties |
b. Wilful disobedience | e. Dishonesty |
c. Insubordination | f. Fraud or infringement of company’s regulations instructions |
16.1 {{$work_day}} sets of uniforms will be supplied to the employee by the employer and will remain the property of the employer.
16.2 An amount of $20 for each set of uniform will be levied upon employment: however upon completion of one month’s service, the amount shall be released and refunded to you.
17.1 Where personal injury is sustained by the employee in the course of his employment, the employer will be liable to pay compensation where applicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act (Cap. 354). [S3-S5 WICA]
17.2 The employer will insure and maintain insurance under one or more approved policies with an insurer against any liability that he would incur to any workmen employed by him where applicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act (Cap. 354). [S23 (1) WICA]
18.1 Performance Bonus/Incentives
Subject to key performance indicators set from time to time and upon the recommendation of Operations Manager.
@if($isView)Type | Qualifying criteria | |
Joining Bonus | $500 | Fulfil 12 months of service |
Long Service Award | $150 | 3 years & above |
Long Service Award | $300 | 5 years & above |
To be eligible, the Employee must be in active employment with the Company on the date of disbursement and payment schedule will be at the discretion of the company.
18.2 May Day Appreciation
Years of service | Vouchers value |
1 | $15 |
2 | $30 |
3 | $45 |
4 | $60 |
5 & above | $90 |
19.1 Any changes to this agreement will only be valid if they are in writing and have been agreed and signed by both parties.
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature_175.png',80) !!}
{!! $applicant_sign[5] !!}
Peggy, Director Vigilantech Security Management Pte Ltd |
Name & Signature of Employee |
Enclosed: Standing Operation Procedure and Standard Operating Instructions
Reference: TAFEP’s website at www.fairemployment.sg
1. I {{$applicant}} recognize the importance of protecting VIGILANTECH SECURITY MANAGEMENT PTE LTD‘s (hereby known as “the Company”) proprietary and confidential information and any similar or related rights, in consideration of my employment by the Company.
2. I agree that during my employment with the Company, I may have access to information or material not generally known relating to the Company‘s business which is not readily disclosed and which has been considered protected by the Company for restricted use. I may also access Proprietary information relating to the Company‘s designs, methods, processes, techniques, documentation-materials, internal policies, contractor’s lists, clients’ lists, assignments’ information and marketing plans and I am obliged to treat all information as strictly confidential and not disclose to any unauthorized person without prior approval of the Company.
3. I will not use the information obtained during my course of duties for my personal use.
4. I have read and understood the above and I understand by signing I am agreeing to all and abide by the requirement.
1. | Failure to report for duty without reasonable excuse (at specified time): | ||
a) Security Supervisor/Senior Officer | $30 | $20 | |
b) Security Officer | $30 | $20 | |
2. | When on duty must report to Control Room Officer 15mins before time or not later than specified time (0800/1000/1600/2000 hours). | $10 | $5 |
3. | Traveling time from one site to another should not take more than 1 hour 30 mins. | Every 20 mins late - will deduct 1/2 hr | |
4. | Failure to sign in/out | $30 | $20 |
5. | Late coming more than twice (2x) a week | $20 | no. of hours late |
6. | False statement on Attendance Book/Sheet : | ||
a) Supervisor | $20 | $10 | |
b) Officer | $30 | $5 | |
1. | Security Supervisor / Officer NOT in proper uniform when on duty | ||
a) Not shaved | $3 | $2 | |
b) Unkempt hair | $3 | $2 | |
c) Uniform dirty and not pressed | $5 | $5 | |
d) Not wearing a black belt | $3 | $2 | |
e) Not wearing black leather shoes | $3 | $2 | |
f) Sports shoes | $15 | $10 | |
g) Wearing slippers or sandals | $10 | $10 | |
h) Only black caps can be worn | $5 | $5 | |
i) No jewellery to be worn by men | $5 | $5 | |
j) Not wearing Epaulette | $10 | $10 | |
1. | Reading of newspapers & reading materials other than SOP/BY LAWS | $10 | $5 |
2. | Taking meals at Guard House | $10 | $5 |
3. | No Liquor to be consumed | Dismissed | |
4. | Liquor kept at Guard House | $50 | $50 |
5. | Smoking other than at designated areas | $40 | $10 |
6. | Fraternising with domestic worker | $40 | $40 |
7. | Using of handphone while on duty | $10 | $10 |
8. | Using Personal Computer/iPad and Note Book while on duty | Confiscated and given to charity | |
9. | Sleeping on duty | One Day Pay |
1. | Playing/Surfing on Company's Computers | $50 | $25 |
2. | Failure to carry out clocking as scheduled | $20 | $8 per point |
3. | Interference with CCTV cameras, the shift responsible be charged | $100 | $20 per pax |
4. | Failure to sign in/out walkie talkie | $20 | $10 per occasion |
5. | Intentionally causing a fault in the clocking device - cost of repair will be borne by all Officers on duty at the site for the month | Cost of Repair | |
1. | Improper Hand over & Take over by: | ||
a) Supervisor | $30 | $20 | |
b) Officer | $20 | $10 | |
*These Rules and Penalties/Salary Deductions apply to all Security Staff (inclusive of Relief Officers) |