@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)

@else @endif

{!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date !!}

{!! $applicant !!}    {!! $nric !!}

Dear {!!$applicant!!}

RE: EMPLOYMENT LETTER OF {{strtoupper($hired_as)}}

We are pleased to offer you the Employment of {{$hired_as}} with effect from {{ ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date }} subject to approval by Police Licensing Regulatory Department (PLRD), MOM, approved medical officer (if necessary) and other pre-requisites as stipulated.

Your employment with our company remain in force until terminated by either party with reference to Clause 8.0, all benefits of Annual Leave & Medical Entitlements will be remained unchanged.

Your address of employment shall be at {{$location->name ?? '[EMPTY]'}}. However, you may be required work at any location(s) within Singapore boundaries.

Your terms and conditions shall be as follows: (With guidelines of Progressive Wage Model)
With the Job titles of {{$hired_as}}, and the main duties and responsibilities are:

@if ($hired_as == "Security Officer (SO)")
  1. General Screening
  2. Guarding and Patrolling
  3. Access and Egress Control
  4. Incident Response
  5. Acting as a Bodyguard or Bouncer (If applicable)
@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Officer (SSO)")
  1. General Screening
  2. Guarding and Patrolling
  3. Access and Egress Control
  4. Incident Response
  5. Acting as a Bodyguard or Bouncer (If applicable)
  6. Operate Security and Safety System
  7. Regulating Traffic
  8. Closed Circuit Television, CAMS, Fire Command Centre Monitoring
  9. Assist Ministries, Statutory Boards or Government Departments in Law
  10. Key Press Management
@elseif ($hired_as == "Security Supervisor (SS)")
  1. General Screening
  2. Guarding and Patrolling
  3. Access and Egress Control
  4. Incident Response
  5. Acting as a Bodyguard or Bouncer (If applicable)
  6. Operate Security and Safety System
  7. Regulating Traffic
  8. Closed Circuit Television, CAMS, Fire Command Centre Monitoring
  9. Assist Ministries, Statutory Boards or Government Departments in Law
  10. Key Press Management
  11. Incident Management & Reporting
  12. Direct Supervision
  13. Execute Evacuation Plans & Exercises
@elseif ($hired_as == "Senior Security Supervisor (SSS)")
  1. General Screening
  2. Guarding and Patrolling
  3. Access and Egress Control
  4. Incident Response
  5. Acting as a Bodyguard or Bouncer (If applicable)
@elseif ($hired_as == "Chief Security Officer (CSO)")
  1. General Screening
  2. Guarding and Patrolling
  3. Access and Egress Control
  4. Incident Response
  5. Acting as a Bodyguard or Bouncer (If applicable)

1 Remuneration

{{-- Calculation for per day rate --}}
{{$per_day_rate = !empty($salary[0]) ? bcdiv(($salary[0]*12)/(52*6), 1, 2) : '[EMPTY]'}}

1.1 Your Basic Salary shall be {{!empty($salary[0]) ? 'S$'.$salary[0] : '[EMPTY]'}} per month with effect from {{ ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date }}. An employee who works less than 35 hours per week will be treated as a temporary or part time worker.

{{!empty($salary[0]) ? 'S$'.$salary[0] : '[EMPTY]'}} x 12 Months
= {{($per_day_rate != '[EMPTY]') ? 'S$'.$per_day_rate : $per_day_rate}} (per day rate)
52 Weeks x 6 Days
{{-- Calculation for per hour overtime rate --}}
{{$per_hour_ot = ($per_day_rate != '[EMPTY]') ? round(($per_day_rate*1.5)/7.33, 2) : '[EMPTY]'}}

1.2 Overtime (OT) for work beyond 8 hours in a day or 44 hours in a week. If the employee works beyond his / her normal daily working hours on his / her rest day, he / she shall be paid 1½ times his hourly basic rate of pay which is as shown below:

{{($per_day_rate != '[EMPTY]') ? 'S$'.$per_day_rate : $per_day_rate}} x 1.5
= {{($per_hour_ot != '[EMPTY]') ? 'S$'.$per_hour_ot : $per_hour_ot}} (per hour rate)
7.33 Hours

1.3 Your Salary payment day is every 5th of every month.


{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}

1.4 You are allowed to take advance on every Friday (S$250). All advances will be deducted from your salary. On pay day week, no advance will be given.

1.5 The employee and the Company will make contributions into the employee’s CPF account with the CPF Board in accordance with the prevailing CPF regulations. The contributions amount will vary on monthly basic depending on the overtime hours & public holiday(s) that the employee has worked on.

1.6 Please refer to Annex A for salary details

2 Shift Hours and Off Days

2.1 Working days will be 6 days per week.

2.2 The Shift hours will be as follows:

2.3 Any hours after 8 hours in a day or 44 hours in a week will be consider as overtime and will be paid 1½ times of hourly basic rate of pay

2.4 The shift days or / and hours may change depending on the client’s requirements

2.5 The employee is entitled to a 1 rest day every week

2.6 You shall notify the Company:

2.7 Overtime will only be worked if authorized or agreed upon between the parties from time to time.

3 Meal Intervals and Break time

3.1 The meal time shall be 1 hour per shift. Meal Time will be taken from:

4 Rest Day Work

4.1 Any work done on rest day will be by agreement between the parties from time to time.

4.2 If the employee works on a rest day at the request of the employer, he / she will be paid 1 day’s basic salary for working up to half the normal daily working hours or 2 days’ basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours. Payment for work done on a rest day should be calculated as such:

4.3 If the employee works on a rest day at his / her own request, he / she will be paid ½ day’s basic salary for work up to half the normal daily working hours or 1 day’s basic salary for working for more than half the normal daily working hours.


{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}

5 Public Holidays

5.1 You will be entitled to all gazetted Public Holidays in Singapore on full pay.

5.2 If you work on a public holiday, you will be paid an additional one day’s basic pay for that day in additional to your normal day

6 Probation Period

6.1 The employee will serve a probationary period of three (3) months from the date of commencement of employment from {{($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y').' to '.\Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->addMonths(3)->subDay()->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date.' to '.$work_start_date}}. After probationary period, you will be deemed as confirmed staff.

6.2 The Company may extend a further 3 months of probationary period if the employee’s performance is unsatisfactory.

7 Staff Benefits

7.1 The employee should enjoy the following staff benefits after 3 months of employment, even if the probationary period is extended.

Annual Leave
  • 7 days of paid leave for every 12 months of continuous service
  • Where employee’s period of employment is more than 3 months but less than 12 continuous months of service, the annual leave entitlement will be in proportion to the number of completed months of service in that year
  • One day of annual leave will be added to your leave entitlement upon completion of one year up to a maximum of 16 days.
Sick and Hospitalization Leave
  • The employee is entitled to paid sick leave if the employee has informed or attempted to inform the employer of his/her absence within 48 hours and certified by any doctor’s registered under the Medical Registration Act (Singapore). Otherwise, the employee will be deemed to be absent from work without permission or reasonable excuse.
  • For new hires in the first year of employment, the entitlement of paid sick and hospitalization leave depends on the number of completed months of service following the guidelines from MOM.
  • 14 days outpatient non-hospitalisation leave in each year if no hospitalisation is necessary.
  • 60 days (includes the 14 days as mentioned above) in each year if hospitalisation is necessary.
  • No medical expenses shall be paid for existing medical conditions, which should be divulged before commencing employment.
Medical/Dental Claims
  • Any employee, employed for more than three (3) months is entitled to claim the medical/dental consultation fees from any doctor’s registered under the Medical Registration and Dental Registration Act (Singapore).

{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}
Maternity Leave
  • Female employees, who are covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and fulfilled the criteria of being lawfully married and the child is a Singaporean citizen are entitled to a paid 16 weeks of maternity leave.
  • Female employees, who are covered under the Employment Act, but not under the Child Development Co-Savings Act, are entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave.
Paternity Leave
  • Employees, who is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and served the Company for continuous duration of 3 months fulfilled the criteria of being lawfully married and the child is a Singaporean citizen are entitled to 2 weeks of Government-Paid Paternity Leave for all births.
Shared Parental Leave
  • Employees, who is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and fulfilled the criteria of being lawfully married and the child is a Singaporean citizen are entitled to share 1 week out of the 16 weeks’ maternity leave, subject to the mother’s agreement.
Childcare Leave
  • Employees, who is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and fulfilled the criteria of the child is a Singaporean citizen and below 7 years old are entitled to 6 days of childcare leave per year.
  • Employees, who is covered under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and fulfilled the criteria of the child is a Singaporean citizen and the youngest child is aged between 7 - 12 years (inclusive) are entitled to 2 days of extended childcare leave per year.
  • For parents with children in both age groups i.e. those below 7 years, as well as those between 7 and 12 years, the total paid child care leave for each parent is a maximum of 6 days per year.
  • Employees, who are covered under the Employment Act, but not under the Child Development Co-Savings Act and fulfilled the criteria of the child is a Singaporean citizen and below 7 years old are entitled to 2 days of childcare leave per year.
  • For new hires in the first year of employment, the entitlement of child care leave depends on the number of completed months of service following the guidelines from MOM.
Compassionate Leave
  • 3 days of compassionate leave in the event of the death of an immediate family member (spouse, parent, and/or child).
  • 1 day of compassionate leave in the event of death of employee’s grandparent, brother or sister or parent-in-law).
  • 1 day for critical illness of employee’s spouse, parent and/or child (Critical illness mean illness appearing on the Life Insurance Association Singapore Critical Illness Framework).
Marriage Leave
  • The employee who served the Company for continuous duration of 3 months is entitled to 3 days marriage leave provided it is the employee’s first legal marriage and that he /she is married while in employment with the company.

7.2 The employees’ benefits are granted at the Company’s discretion and fulfilling governing regulation in Singapore. The Company may review and modify the benefits from time to time and this may result in charges in or withdrawal of the benefits, upon notification by Company.


{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}

8 Termination of Employment

8.1 Either party can terminate this contract by giving to the other party 1 months’ notice (for confirmed staff), or 14 days (for probation staff), or a compensation in lieu of notice, (“notice pay”), a sum equal to the salary earned during the required notice period. In the case where an employee is illiterate, notice may be given by that employee verbally. This will not be applicable to work permit holders and S Pass holders.

8.2 The employee will have deem to have break the contract if the employee is absent from work continuously for more than two (2) working days without approval and a good excuse or absent from work continuously for more than two (2) working days without informing and attempting to inform your employer of the reason. The party that breached the terms of employment must pay compensation in lieu of notice.

8.3 The Company has the right to give immediate notice before terminating your services if you are guilty of misdemeanour, misconduct, negligence, breach of any PSIA, any PLRD regulations or breach any of the terms of this letter of Employment.

8.4 Upon termination of the employment, the employee is responsible to ensure all company’s properties will be return to the Company.

9 Uniform and Equipment

9.1 Three set of uniforms will be supplied to the employee by the employer and will remain the property of the employer.

9.2 The employer may issue equipment that will be use during the course of work, such as walkie-talkie, torch lights, clocking device and others. The employee is responsible to ensure that that the equipment(s) are not damaged or loss.

10 Work Injury Compensation

10.1 The employee is obligated to keep HR informed of any injuries during working hours.

10.2 Where personal injury is sustained by the employee in the course of his employment, the employer will be liable to pay compensation where applicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act.

10.3 The employer will insure and maintain insurance under one or more approved policies with an insurer against any liability that he would incur to any workmen employed by him where applicable under the Work Injury Compensation Act

11 Foreign Worker Medical Insurance

11.1 For foreign worker such as Work Permit holder, you are covered by medical insurance of up to S$15,000 per year.

12 Income Tax

12.1 The employee will be responsible for the full amount of personal income tax due and payable as a result of employment with Company.

12.2 The employer may hold the salary as advised by Inland Revenue Authority Singapore (IRAS) after the employee’s last day with the Company.


{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}

13 Performance

13.1 The employee’s overall work performance and participation of courses to upgrade the skills set will be evaluated on regular basis.

13.2 These will be taken into consideration for the employee’s salary review and performance bonus, which will also be subject to the company’s financial performance.

14 Training and Development

14.1 The employees are expected to comply and attend the training assigned by the company to upgrade the employees’ exiting skills set.

14.2 Employees who failed to attend to the training assigned by the company are required to issue a written notice to the company.

15 Conduct

15.1 It is expected that you comply with the PLRD regulations & Company’s rules and practices either expressed or implied, in force during your employment with Company. It is also expected of the employee to:

15.2 The Company will take disciplinary action against employee who is found to have breach the Company’s code of conduct.

16 General

16.1 Any changes to this agreement will be issued to the employee in the form of a circular notice to employees. The employee who does not accept the changes of terms and agreements will need to give a written notice within 7 days after the notice being issued. Otherwise, the employee will have deemed to have accepted the changes in the written notice.

16.2 The employment contract is subject to the following condition:

16.3 All other terms and conditions shall be in accordance with the Employment Act.


{!! $applicant_sign[5] !!}

We hope you will find the Employment challenging and rewarding.

We wish you well in your Employment as {{$hired_as}}.

Yours faithfully
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature.png') !!}
Mr. Shane Shim
Managing Director

, understand and hereby agree to accept the appointment offered to me on the terms and conditions stated in the letter of employment.

Note: Please inform us if you have changed your residential address, bank account or any significant personal information.

This Employment Letter is solely for administrative purposes and is in compliance with PLRD & Ministry of Manpower requirements. Please inform our HR Department of discrepancies, if any,

Annex A


{{-- Calculation for overtime --}}
{{$total_ot = ($per_hour_ot != '[EMPTY]') ? round($per_hour_ot*95.42, 2) : 0}}
Basic Salary Per Month {{!empty($salary[0]) ? 'S$'.$salary[0] : '-'}}
Overtime Pay Per Month (95.42 Hrs) {{!empty($total_ot) ? 'S$'.$total_ot : '-'}}
Attendance Incentives (If Any) {{!empty($salary[1]) ? 'S$'.$salary[1] : '-'}}
Site Incentives (If Any) {{!empty($salary[2]) ? 'S$'.$salary[2] : '-'}}
Total Salary Per Month {{!empty($salary_total) ? 'S$'.number_format($salary_total + $total_ot,2,'.','') : '-'}}
Overtime Rate Per Hour {{($per_hour_ot != '[EMPTY]') ? 'S$'.$per_hour_ot : '-'}}

The payable overtime amount should be based on the monthly overtime hours commonly performed by Security Officers.

{!! $applicant_sign[6] !!}
@endif @if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id'=>'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location ?? NULL) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('contract_type',$contract_type) !!}

{!! Form::close() !!} {!! Html::script('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.22/fabric.min.js') !!}
@else @endif