@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
@else @endif

{!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date !!}

{!! $applicant !!}
{!! $nric !!}

Dear {!! $applicant !!}

Employment Contract

We are pleased to offer you employment as a Security Officer (SO) with Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd with effect from {{ ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date }}, subject to the following terms and conditions:-

1. Place of Employment & Hours of work

Your normal place of employment shall be at NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (NUH). However, the company has the right to post you to any other place for duty at its discretion.

Site working hours are from Mondays to Fridays (8.30am to 5.30pm or 9.30am to 6.30pm). Saturdays (8.30am to 1.00pm). Working hours are defined as follow:

  1. 8 hours of work per day (excluding break hours)
  2. 1 hours of meal break per day - staggered timing depending on your work site

Your contractual working hours are 8 hours a day or 44 hours per week. You are given 1-hour (unpaid) meal break time a day. Work done in excess of 8 hours a day or 44 hours a week will be considered overtime and will be paid 1.5 times the hourly basic rate of pay (excluding breaks).

Rest day will be provided one day per week. Your working days are 5.5 days per week. Salary pro-rated is require for an incomplete month of work.

2. Salary

No Item Amount SGD($)
A Basic Salary 1,250.00 per month
B Overtime if performed 9.83 per hour
C Attendance incentive* 350.00 per month
D Public Holiday allowance if performed** 50.00 per day
E Work on Rest Day at employee's request 80.00 per day
F Work on Rest Day at employer's request 130.00 per day

*Attendance incentive will be paid only if FULL attendance is achieved for that particular month (i.e. no Medical Leave, Unpaid Leave and Absent Without Official Leave)
**Public Holiday allowance will be paid if only you are working the day before and the day after the said public holiday

{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}

Your salary payment will be on the 7th and 21st of every month, overtime payment will be on 7th of every month. If pay day falls on a Sunday or Public holiday, then you will be paid on the next working day or one day before the 7th.

The salary package is subject to full CPF contributions according to the prevailing CPF rates in Singapore where applicable.

You shall be responsible for the payment of all income taxes in relation to all payments and all taxable benefits received or to be receive from the Company hereunder.

Any other lawful deductions made will be in accordance with the Singapore Labour Law.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

You shall faithfully and diligently serve the company and the client to whom you are assigned to. You will also conform to the standing orders of the company and the Standing Operational Procedures of the client you are assigned to. Please refer to job functions for more details

4. Probation Period

You will be required to serve a probationary period of three (03) months depending on your performance. On satisfactory completion of the probationary period, your employment with the Company will be confirmed in writing.

5. Notice of Termination of Service

  1. The notice for termination is by one party giving to the other party according to below notice or salary payment deduction in lieu of notice:-

    Period of Employment
    Less than 1 month
    1 month & above

    Period required for notice to terminate
    2 weeks
    1 month

  2. The company may terminate your service summarily at any time and without prior notification if you are found absent from duty for more than 2 consecutive working days without approval from our company, guilty of misconduct, indiscretion, carelessness or negligence on your part.
  3. All employees are required to report to office on their last working day or latest by the next day to complete clearance procedures. Failure to report to office and complete proper clearance procedures may result in you being found guilty of misconduct.
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}

6. Annual Leave

On completion of three (03) months of continuous service with the company, you shall be entitled to 7 days of annual leave or prorated annual leave for incomplete year of service. Thereafter, you will be eligible for an extra day of annual leave for every subsequent year of continuous service up to maximum of 14 days.

Year of Service Annual Leave Entitlement Per Service Year
1st year 7 working days
2nd year 8 working days
3rd year 9 working days
4th year 10 working days
5th year 11 working days
6th year 12 working days
7th year 13 working days
8th and thereafter 14 working days

7. Sick Leave

On completion of three (03) months of continuous service with the company, you will be entitled to 14 days paid sick leaves per year of service or up to 60 days if hospitalization is required

You are entitled to claim for medical reimbursement of consultation fee.

You must inform us of your sick leave within 48 hours or else you will be deemed to be absent from duty. You are not entitled paid sick leave when you are on annual leave, off day, rest day, no pay leave or when you are receiving incapacity benefits under the Workmen’s Compensation Act. Medical leave must be from Government Doctor.

8. Maternity/Paternity & Child Care Leave

You are entitled to the above according to the Singapore Labour Law.

9. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

  1. You will not, at any time, during the period of this agreement, directly or indirectly, without prior written consent of the Company, engage or interest yourself , whether for reward or gratuity in any work or business other than in respect of your duties to Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd and the client that you are assigned to.

  2. You will not disclose, divulge or discuss at any time during the period of your employment or thereafter, any secrets, transactions or information related to Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd or clients of Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd to which you might have had accessed during the period of your employment.
{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}

10. Restraint of employment

  1. You shall not accept any offer of employment from the company/companies you have been assigned to in the course of your employment without the written consent of Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd within one year from the date of termination of this contract.

  2. In the event Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd discontinues or terminates the assignment for whatsoever reasons, you shall not accept any employment from the next security agency taking over within a period of one year.

    In the event of breach of this condition, you are liable to pay Excellent Security & Safety Pte Ltd liquidated damages equivalent to one year of your salary.

11. Others

For other terms and conditions of employment not mentioned in this employment contract, the relevant provisions in the Employment Act will apply.

Yours sincerely,
{!! getImage('signatures/director_signature.png') !!}
Bernard Tan

I have read and understood the terms & conditions of the offer and hereby accept the appointment.

Name: {!! $applicant !!}
NRIC: {!! $nric !!}
Date: {!! ($work_start_date != "[EMPTY]") ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($work_start_date)->format('d F Y') : $work_start_date !!}
{!! $applicant_sign[3] !!}



In exercise of the powers conferred by section 39 of the Private Security Industry Act, the Minister for Home Affairs hereby makes the following Regulations:

Citation and commencement

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Private Security Industry (Conduct) Regulations 2009 and shall come into operation on 27th April 2009.

Conduct of licensed security officers on duty, etc.

7A. (1) When carrying out the functions as a security officer, a licensed security officer must

  1. not sleep;
  2. not consume alcohol or be under the influence of alcohol;
  3. not be absent from the place where the licensed security officer is deployed without any valid reason;
  4. not use any threatening or abusive language; and
  5. respond promptly to any request for assistance by any person within the premises where the licensed security officer is deployed if the person has suffered any personal injury, or any damage to or loss of the person’s property, within the premises.

(2) A licensed security officer must not give any false representation to any person regarding the licensed security officer’s level of training, skill or qualification as a security officer.

[S 882/2018 wef 01/01/2019]


8. (1) Any person who contravenes regulation 3, 4(1) or (2), 5(1), 6 or 7(1)(a) or (b) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.

[S 882/2018 wef 01/01/2019]

(2) Any person who contravenes regulation 7A(1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 months or to both.

[S 882/2018 wef 01/01/2019]

{!! $applicant_sign[4] !!}
@endif @if($isView) {!! Form::open(['url'=>'/job-application/signContract?id='.$id,'id'=>'signature-form']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('id',$id) !!} {!! Form::hidden('src',$src) !!} {!! Form::hidden('img_string','',['id'=>'hidden_img_array']) !!} {!! Form::hidden('basic_rate',$salary[0]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ot_rate',$salary[1]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('incentive',$salary[2]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('ph_rate',$salary[3]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employee',$salary[4]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('rd_employer',$salary[5]) !!} {!! Form::hidden('location',$location) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_start_date',$work_start_date) !!} {!! Form::hidden('start_time',$start_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('end_time',$end_time) !!} {!! Form::hidden('work_day',$work_day) !!} {!! Form::hidden('contract_type',$contract_type) !!}

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