@if(Auth::check() && !isset($job_detail))
I shall be punctual for work & display good customer service. I shall comply with Code of Conduct under PSIA (Private Security Industry Act) which are as follows:-
Security Officer mustI shall keep confidential work related information like layout of the site, the security system, how many manpower being deployed, etc.
I shall inform my OM or OE as early as possible if I cannot turn up to work and I shall provide proof of reason for absence. (MC, etc)
I shall not leave post until the next Security personnel takes over my duty. I understand that disciplinary actions will be taken against me should I abandon post.
I agree to stand in till the next shift Security Officer arrives. Such extended duty of more than fifteen minutes will be paid as overtime work.
I am currently NOT working as a civil servant or a Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) personnel. I shall immediately declare to the Company if I am working as a civil servant / VSC. Failing to do so, I shall be accountable for any sort of outcome thereafter.
I authorize the Company to make reference to all my past employers on my job performance / experience.
I further give consent to the Company for my personal data to be used for work purposes. E.g. sending my resume to clients, submitting my particulars to PLRD or to release my information to government departments (CPF, MOM, etc..) whenever requested.
I confirm that all the above facts in this application form are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have not deliberately omitted any relevant fact. I understand that should any of the above information turn out to be false or inaccurate, I will be subjected to appropriate action.
{{trans('messages.applying_as_user',['attribute' => Auth::user()->full_name])}}
@endif {{-- Attachments --}} @if(Auth::check() && !isset($job_detail)) @include('upload.index',['module' => 'job-application','upload_button' => trans('messages.upload').' '.trans('messages.nric').' (Front & Back)','module_id' => isset($job_application) ? $job_application->id : ''])