@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
Reference | : HR/{!! $counselling->id.'/'.\Carbon::parse($counselling->handover_time)->format('Y') !!} | |
Date | : {!! \Carbon::parse($counselling->handover_time)->format('Y-m-d') !!} | |
To | : {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!} | |
NRIC/FIN | : {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->unique_identification_number !!} | |
From | {{--: {!! $supervisor->first_name !!} | --}}: HR Manager/Operations Manager, Security Dept |
Dear {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!},
With regards to your misconduct in {!! $site->name !!}. You have been given warnings verbally yet u fail to produce effectiveness in your duties.
Further to your statement/inquiry that we have conducted on {!! \Carbon::parse($counselling->handover_time)->format('Y-m-d') !!}, after careful consideration, the company has decided to issue you with {!! $counselling_detail[0]->action_taken !!} for your poor performance and infringements.
Listed below are the infringements by you:
You are hereby reminded that under your employment contract, the above is a serious disciplinary action and may lead to termination.
We’ve also explained to you the importance of meeting our client’s instructions and your basic roles and responsibilities as a Security Officer.
Take note that this Warning Letter served as a record and will affect your performance appraisal.
We will continue to monitor your performance. Any lack in performance, insubordination to Management and/or Client or inappropriate actions by you, Aspectus Management will not hesitate to terminate you.
Please contact the Operations Manager if you have any further clarifications on this matter.
Further, we hereby append below under Clause No. 25, the terms and conditions of your employment contract stated:
Your signed employment stated: 25. Disciplinary Actions Disciplinary actions will be taken for a breach of code of ethics or any act of gross misconduct. The employer reserves the right to terminate this agreement without prior notice.
{{ trans('messages.misconduct') }} |
{!! $misconduct !!} |
{{ trans('messages.evidence') }} |
{!! $upload->user_filename !!} IMAGE IS MISSING @endif |
{{ trans('messages.action').' '.trans('messages.taken') }} |
{!! $counselling_detail[0]->action_taken !!} |
{{ trans('messages.period').' '.trans('messages.of').' '.trans('messages.warning') }} |
{!! $counselling_detail[0]->warning_from_date !!} to {!! $counselling_detail[0]->warning_to_date !!} |
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
Operations Manager, Security Dept |
ACCEPTANCE: If you accept the above, please indicate your acceptance below: I, {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!}, NRIC/Fin No: {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->unique_identification_number !!}, hereby accept and acknowledged contents of the above and Letter of Warning issued to me. The employment contract terms and conditions has been read and explained to me clearly and I promised not to repeat the same mistake again. @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} |
Operations Manager, Security Dept Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
ACCEPTANCE: If you accept the above, please indicate your acceptance below: I, {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!}, NRIC/Fin No: {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->unique_identification_number !!}, hereby accept and acknowledged contents of the above and Letter of Warning issued to me. The employment contract terms and conditions has been read and explained to me clearly and I promised not to repeat the same mistake again. Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
Witness: {!! $witness->first_name !!} Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}