@if($isView) {!! Html::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!} @endif @if($isView)
Security Officer: {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!}
Date of Issuance: {!! \Carbon::parse($counselling->handover_time)->format('Y-m-d') !!}
The above employee has displayed the following misconduct and has been warned that this misconduct will be entered in his/her personal record.
{{ trans('messages.misconduct') }} |
{!! $misconduct !!} |
{{ trans('messages.evidence') }} |
{!! $upload->user_filename !!} IMAGE IS MISSING @endif |
{{ trans('messages.description') }} |
{!! $counselling_detail[0]->description ?? '' !!} |
{{ trans('messages.action').' '.trans('messages.taken') }} |
{!! $counselling_detail[0]->action_taken !!} |
{{ trans('messages.period').' '.trans('messages.of').' '.trans('messages.warning') }} |
{!! $counselling_detail[0]->warning_from_date !!} to {!! $counselling_detail[0]->warning_to_date !!} |
Head of Department/Supervisor: {!! $supervisor->first_name !!} Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[0] !!}
Concerned Employee: {!! $counselling->takeoverUser->Profile->first_name !!} Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[1] !!}
Witness: {!! $witness->first_name !!} Date of Signature: {!! isset($signature_date) ? $signature_date : '' !!} Signature: @if($isView)
{!! $applicant_sign[2] !!}